Master of Science in Counseling


JHU School of Education



  • 秋季
  • 常规
    January 6, 2023
  • 其他


托福/GRE Code
8585/ 5470






Please upload your responses to the following prompts in an essay format adhering to these guidelines:
• 2 – 3 pages in length responding to all prompts
• Double-spaced
• Times New Roman font type
• 12-pt font size

Essay Prompts
1. Why would you like to become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor or School Counselor; what contribution would you like to make to the clinical mental health or school counseling profession?
2. What personal and professional experiences could support or hinder you in becoming an effective Clinical Mental Health or School Counselor?
3. Provide an example of a professional job experience that was challenged by your supervisor or a colleague. How did you respond, manage the challenge, and receive feedback from a different perspective?
4. Based on your social identity, how do you describe and experience social justice? An individual's social identity includes but is not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual or affectional orientation, age, religion/spirituality, disability/different ability, language, and political or sociopolitical affiliation. This makes social identity unique to each individual – no two individuals will have the exact same social identity. Opportunities and access to social power is, in part, available to people and groups due to social identity.

All responses should be included in one essay.