MSc in Finance
毕业于公认的大学并获得学士学位,通常荣誉成绩不低于二等或平均成绩不低于 "B";或
完成高等教育机构的课程,并获得相当于学士学位的专业或类似资格。You should have:
graduated from a recognized university and obtained a bachelor’s degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class or achieving an average grade of not lower than “B”; or
completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
毕业于公认的大学并获得学士学位,通常荣誉成绩不低于二等或平均成绩不低于 "B";或
完成高等教育机构的课程,并获得相当于学士学位的专业或类似资格。You should have:
graduated from a recognized university and obtained a bachelor’s degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class or achieving an average grade of not lower than “B”; or
completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
1 - 高级财务管理 - Advanced Financial Management
2 - 投资与投资组合分析 - Investment and Portfolio Analysis
3 - 金融 Python - Python in Finance
4 - 衍生产品市场 - Derivatives Markets
5 - 金融实践经济学 - Economics for Finance Practice
6 - 企业财务报告 - Corporate Financial Reporting
7 - 资本市场 - Capital Markets
8 - 金融量化方法 - Quantitative Methods in Finance
9 - 行为金融学 - Behavioral Finance
10 - 公司财务与投资实践案例 - Cases in Corporate Finance & Investment Practices
11 - 中国金融 - China Finance
12 - 中国股票市场的企业筹资活动 - Corporate Fund-Raising Initiatives in the Chinese Equity Markets
13 - 金融实地研究 - Finance Field Study
14 - 金融计量经济学 - Financial Econometrics
15 - 固定收益证券分析 - Fixed-income Securities Analysis
16 - 外汇理论与实践 - Foreign Exchange in Theory and Practice
17 - 衍生产品交易策略基础 - Fundamentals of Derivatives Trading Strategies
18 - 金融学选题 - Selected Topics in Finance
19 - 数学金融建模与结构化解决方案 - Mathematical Financial Modeling and Structured Solutions
20 - 兼并与收购 - Mergers and Acquisitions
21 - 量化风险管理 - Quantitative Risk Management
22 - 风险投资与私募股权 - Venture Capital & Private Equity
23 - 金融学前沿/当前/选题/问题 - Frontier/Current/Selected Topics/Issues in Finance
2 - 投资与投资组合分析 - Investment and Portfolio Analysis
3 - 金融 Python - Python in Finance
4 - 衍生产品市场 - Derivatives Markets
5 - 金融实践经济学 - Economics for Finance Practice
6 - 企业财务报告 - Corporate Financial Reporting
7 - 资本市场 - Capital Markets
8 - 金融量化方法 - Quantitative Methods in Finance
9 - 行为金融学 - Behavioral Finance
10 - 公司财务与投资实践案例 - Cases in Corporate Finance & Investment Practices
11 - 中国金融 - China Finance
12 - 中国股票市场的企业筹资活动 - Corporate Fund-Raising Initiatives in the Chinese Equity Markets
13 - 金融实地研究 - Finance Field Study
14 - 金融计量经济学 - Financial Econometrics
15 - 固定收益证券分析 - Fixed-income Securities Analysis
16 - 外汇理论与实践 - Foreign Exchange in Theory and Practice
17 - 衍生产品交易策略基础 - Fundamentals of Derivatives Trading Strategies
18 - 金融学选题 - Selected Topics in Finance
19 - 数学金融建模与结构化解决方案 - Mathematical Financial Modeling and Structured Solutions
20 - 兼并与收购 - Mergers and Acquisitions
21 - 量化风险管理 - Quantitative Risk Management
22 - 风险投资与私募股权 - Venture Capital & Private Equity
23 - 金融学前沿/当前/选题/问题 - Frontier/Current/Selected Topics/Issues in Finance