Master of Public Health


USC Keck School of Medicine


2 years
40 credits


  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 早申请
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  • 春季
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托福/GRE Code
5688/4852 GRE not required




University of Southern California, USC Office of Graduate Admission and Financial Aid, 3601 South Flower Street, Tyler 112 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915 Phone: (213) 740-1111


3 (at least 1 from an academic source)


Statement of Purpose and Objectives should be approximately 2-3 pages addressing both of the following questions:
Why are you interested in pursuing the MPH degree at the University of Southern California?
How will an MPH degree affect or enhance your career aspirations and goals?




面试要求:有video essay (optional)
注意video essay要在提交申请前完成




2-year program;16units 核心课+24units Concentration+ 260 hour Practicum + Capstone

Epidemiology is the study of disease and disability including its distribution, occurrence, determinants and controls in human populations. Biostatistics involves research and management focused on guiding the design, analysis, interpretation and presentation of health science data
Concentration Core Courses (16 Units)+Electives (8 units)
PM 51laL Data Analysis (4 units)
Maior parametric and nonparametric statistical tools used in biomedical research, computer packagesincluding SAS.Includes a laboratory session.
Prerequisite:PM 510
PM 5l1bL Data Analysis (4 units)
Statistical methods for analysis of categorical data including dichotomous, ordinal, multinomial andcount data, using Stata package. Includes a laboratory session.Prerequisite: PM 511a
In addition, students will choose two of the following to complete their core coursework:PM 527 Epidemiologyofinfectious Disease (4 units)Survey of natural history of infectious disease, methods of disease control and outbreak investigation,and an overview of the epidemiology ofinjury.
Prerequisite: PM 512
PM 529 Environmental Health: An Epidemiological Approach (4 units)
An overview of environmental health, identifying issues in assessing effects of exposure on health andpotential interventions for reducing adverse health risks.
Prerequisite:PM 512
PM 536 Program Evaluation and Research (4 units)
Overview of concepts, tools, data collection, analysis methods and designs used to evaluate healthpromotion programs. Examples from substance abuse prevention, family planning and reproductivehealth programs.
PM 537 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (4 units)
Overview of causative factors and demographic distribution of maior chronic diseases in the westernworld. Epidemiologic concepts, methods and research design as applied to chronic disease preventionwill be emphasized.

Community Health Promotion
Contemporary public health emphasizes a community and population-based approach to health promotion and disease prevention that encompasses social and environmental influences, in addition to individually-focused determinants that explain health behavior.
Concentration Core Courses (16 Units)+Electives (8 units)
PM 501 Foundations in Health Education and Promotion (4 units)
Overview and application of behavioral theories to the field of health education and promotion.Examines the determinants of health behavior and strategies for change at the individual, group andcommunity level.
PM 528 Program Design and Evaluation (4 units)Core concepts, methods and values of public health program planning and evaluation, includingcommunity needs assessment, writing objectives, designing health promotion programs, process andoutcome evaluation.
PM 563 Organizing and Mobilizing Communities for Public Health (4 units)Survey of effective community organizing and mobilization efforts in the U.s. and abroad, usingparticipatory, organizational, community empowerment and public-private partnership models
In addition, students will choose one of the following to complete their core coursework:PM 526 Communications in Public Health (4 units)
Application of communication theories and methods to community health problems. Includesbackground assessment, program design, evaluation, social marketing, media advocacy, and a review ofmajor health campaigns.
PM 536 Program Evaluation and Research (4 units)
Overview of concepts, tools, data collection, analysis methods and designs used to evaluate healthpromotion programs. Examples from substance abuse prevention, family planning and reproductivehealth programs.
PM 562 Intervention Approaches for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (4 units
Approaches for modifying health behavior in various settings and within diverse populations. Emphasison practical considerations necessary to design and implement interventions with demonstrated effectiveness.

Global Health
The purpose of the global health concentration is to build students’ competencies in population-based disease prevention and control as relevant to all countries in the world.
Concentration Core Courses (16 Units)+Electives (8 units)
PM 565: Introduction to Global Health (4 units)
PM 576: Global Health Research & Programs (4 units)
Introduction to the core concepts and methods of planning and implementing health-relatedprograms and research in resource-constrained settings.
In addition, students will choose two of the following to complete their core coursework:
PM 509: Comparative Health Systems (4 units)
PM 525: Culture & Health: Global Perspectives (4 units)
PM 577: Global Health, Law & Human Rights (4 units)

Health Services and Policy
Health Services and Policy focuses on health care systems, governmental and organizational decisions plans, and actions that affect the health of populations. Health services concentrate on social, economic and behavioral factors affecting the use of health care services, whereas health policies focus on actions to improve health through legislation, research, direct care, community empowerment and regulations.
Concentration Core Courses (16 Units)+Electives (8 units)
PM 508 Health Service Delivery in the U.S. (4 units)
Historical development of the American health care system; determinants of health care utilization; role of health care providers; health policy; public health services; and health care finance.
Prerequisite: PM 502
PPD 503 Economics for Public Policy (4 units)
Economic theory as applied to public policy. Concepts of efficiency and equity, analysis of market failure and policy interventions.
In addition, students will choose two of the following to complete their core coursework:
PM 504 Quality in Health Care (4 units)
Examines quality assessment at different levels of the health care system including health plans, physicians, hospital and integrated system performance.
Prerequisite: PM 502
PM 507 Public Health Services Research Methods (4 units)
A practical examination of methods and data sources used to evaluate public health services and conduct policy research and evaluation within health care delivery systems.
Prerequisite: PM 502 and PM 510L and PM 512
PM 547 Public Health Policy and Politics (4 units)
Examination of major policy issues in the U.S. health care delivery system to understand policy options in reforming health care and reducing health care disparities.
Prerequisite: PM 502a