MFA in Producing


AFI Graduate School



  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 其他


托福/GRE Code




American Film Institute 2021 North Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027-1657 323.856.7600




The narrative statement is a very important part of your application for admission. This document should be no longer than 3 pages in length, double spaced, 12-point font, listing your name, discipline, “Fall 2022” at the top of each page, and saved as a PDF.

Your narrative statement should address each of the following:

Tell us something about your own unique story. What shaped you? What is important to you about the stories you want to tell? The goal is to get to know you as a storyteller outside of your resume.
Why are you applying for this specific discipline? What people/movies/art inspire you in that field?
The AFI Conservatory is a hands-on collaborative learning environment. What is your experience as a collaborator in the filmmaking process?
How do you see the AFI Conservatory benefiting your long-term career goals?

MFA in Producing applicants are required to submit:

1. Vision Statement— Please submit a1-2 page statement on a story you would like to create as a feature or TV show. Whether an original idea or an adaptation based on a novel, play, magazine article, current news event, or historical event, please include:
Articulate the theme(s) that drew you to the story, character details, and style.
Explain why you want to tell this story and why you think it will appeal to audiences.

2. Short Answers— Please answer two out of three of the following questions. One-page maximum total; please devote a half page to each of your two questions only.
Tell us something about an incident in your life when you acted in a way that surprised even you.
Tell us something that people might assume about you that actually isn’t right- and what is the truer version?
What two qualities do you possess that would serve you well as a producer?


All documents should be saved as a PDF, typed, double spaced, listing your name, discipline, and “Fall 2022” at the top of each page–unless otherwise noted.
All film link submissions should stay active until august 2022, or your application may not be further considered for admissions.