MSc in Management for Business Excellence (MBE)


Warwick Manufacturing Group



  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 其他







Aim for between 500 and 1000 words. It may seem like a lot, but it will fill up quickly. Be concise and straight-forward in your writing. Keep your sentences short and get to the point. Most of the poor statements we see are too long, not too short. Although the application form states 1000 words for the SoP, we would very much prefer a more concise, to the point essay closer to 500 words.
If you are applying for the Management for Business Excellence (MBE) course, we specifically ask that your Personal Statement answers the following five questions.

What are your long term employment goals?
How do you think that the MBE MSc will help you to achieve these goals?
The MBE learning environment is significantly different to that of many masters degrees. What do you like about this environment, what challenges do you foresee and how will you face those challenges?
The WMG masters programmes require you to study for about 42 hours per week for 45 weeks. What challenges would this present to you and how would you meet these?
What do you think that Warwick expects of you as a postgraduate student?
You can include your answers to these questions in the personal statement you submit with your online application, or you can attach the answers to your application using the online application system (even if you have already submitted the rest of your application to us).

It is important for you to have a good understanding of the course and learning environment before you make your application. Please read as widely as possible because MBE is a very distinctive programme and you need to demonstrate a good understanding of this to be offered a place.