Master of Management Studies - MMS: Foundations of Business
10 months学费估算
10/19 -
1/18 (International not studying in the US) -
3/8 (all International Students) -
托福/GRE Code
5156 【GRE may be substituted by SAT-5946 / ACT-3052】GMAT Code
Q13-N5-19Department Code
成绩单邮寄地址 University The Fuqua School of Business Office of Admissions 100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120 Durham, NC 27708-0120 USA
1 (专业领域 > 学术)
Required Short Answer Questions
Answer all three questions. Respond in 500 characters at most (the equivalent of about 100 words per question).
1. Why are you pursuing the MMS degree at this stage in your professional development?
2. What are your immediate career goals after completing the MMS program?
3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the immediate goals that you provided above not materialize, what alternative directions have you considered?
Required Essay 1
Present your response in list form, numbered from 1-25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed two pages.
Question: The "Team Fuqua" spirit and community is one of the things that set the Fuqua experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of "25 Random Things About Yourself." As an admissions team, we already know the new hire's professional and academic background, so learning these "25 Random Things" helps us to get to know someone's personality, background, special talents, and more.
In this spirit, the admissions committee also wants to get to know you—beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. You can share with us important life experiences, your likes and dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.
Required Essay 2
Respond in 350 words at most.
For our MMS: Foundations of Business class, the admissions team is looking for students who are eager to engage with, and learn from, their classmates. This learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom, as extracurricular engagement is an important part of the MMS experience. Describe how you would plan to be engaged outside of the classroom and how your unique perspective, experiences, and passions will add to the MMS community.
If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware (e.g., unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders or lack of a professional recommendation, inconsistent or questionable academic performance), please explain them. Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The optional essay is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.
1. 为什么申请,本科是商科专业的进阶以及后续发展,本科是非商科专业的,还是focus在自己领域内,因为商业管理不是一个特定的领域,可以在任何领域应用,从而从技术从业者,变成管理者
2. 短期的职业规划,尽量做到足够具体和完整,不要假大空,最好能说清楚一个完整清晰的路径
3. 不确定性和Plan B,建议跨度要大,注意 Plan B 不要和 Plan A公用同样的前提条件,可以退而求其次,也可以另辟蹊径,尽量不要放一个同等地位和难度的Plan B。客观上是无法完成的,甚至不能自圆其说
4. 25件事,可以适当注意配比,爱好,活动,社团,个人理解,获奖,生活琐事,学术等等均可,有能力的情况下,做好人物画像。 每个的字数不能太多,挑重点说,举例,参加什么比赛,谁有资格参加,规模,已经获得什么奖项即可。
5. 课堂外学术或职业,对于非商科专业的同学有不错的发挥空间,有Diversity 成分但是不要跑题或者过分
6. Optional一般是解释用的,不建议无脑写,意义不会很大
Answer all three questions. Respond in 500 characters at most (the equivalent of about 100 words per question).
1. Why are you pursuing the MMS degree at this stage in your professional development?
2. What are your immediate career goals after completing the MMS program?
3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the immediate goals that you provided above not materialize, what alternative directions have you considered?
Required Essay 1
Present your response in list form, numbered from 1-25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed two pages.
Question: The "Team Fuqua" spirit and community is one of the things that set the Fuqua experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the admissions team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of "25 Random Things About Yourself." As an admissions team, we already know the new hire's professional and academic background, so learning these "25 Random Things" helps us to get to know someone's personality, background, special talents, and more.
In this spirit, the admissions committee also wants to get to know you—beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. You can share with us important life experiences, your likes and dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.
Required Essay 2
Respond in 350 words at most.
For our MMS: Foundations of Business class, the admissions team is looking for students who are eager to engage with, and learn from, their classmates. This learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom, as extracurricular engagement is an important part of the MMS experience. Describe how you would plan to be engaged outside of the classroom and how your unique perspective, experiences, and passions will add to the MMS community.
If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware (e.g., unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders or lack of a professional recommendation, inconsistent or questionable academic performance), please explain them. Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The optional essay is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.
1. 为什么申请,本科是商科专业的进阶以及后续发展,本科是非商科专业的,还是focus在自己领域内,因为商业管理不是一个特定的领域,可以在任何领域应用,从而从技术从业者,变成管理者
2. 短期的职业规划,尽量做到足够具体和完整,不要假大空,最好能说清楚一个完整清晰的路径
3. 不确定性和Plan B,建议跨度要大,注意 Plan B 不要和 Plan A公用同样的前提条件,可以退而求其次,也可以另辟蹊径,尽量不要放一个同等地位和难度的Plan B。客观上是无法完成的,甚至不能自圆其说
4. 25件事,可以适当注意配比,爱好,活动,社团,个人理解,获奖,生活琐事,学术等等均可,有能力的情况下,做好人物画像。 每个的字数不能太多,挑重点说,举例,参加什么比赛,谁有资格参加,规模,已经获得什么奖项即可。
5. 课堂外学术或职业,对于非商科专业的同学有不错的发挥空间,有Diversity 成分但是不要跑题或者过分
6. Optional一般是解释用的,不建议无脑写,意义不会很大
There is no minimum work experience required for this program. Any paid or unpaid work experience will be considered, including volunteer positions, part-time work, student clubs and activities, and internships. no more than 2 years full-time, post-grad
注意 MBA毕业生或者类似MBA项目的毕业生基本不能申请,两年或以上工作经验的学生需要case by case先核查是否有资格申请
注意 MBA毕业生或者类似MBA项目的毕业生基本不能申请,两年或以上工作经验的学生需要case by case先核查是否有资格申请
非官方成绩单上传 (3年本科需等同于US Bachelor, 但本项目不要WES)
1. 有学位或者未来会有学位的学校
2. 一学期及以上 (12分及以上,特殊学校需要换算 如 UT)
3. 修读了相关课程的学校(不计学分,全凭自愿)
录取后:最终成绩单+学位 提交ddl 7.1 for 2023 Summer
- Electronically to
- Directly by mail in a sealed envelope to:
Duke University
The Fuqua School of Business
Office of Admissions
100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120
Durham, NC 27708-0120 USA
不要语言成绩,学校自行评估 (文书,面试,等)
要求GRE/GMAT (参考分数 325+ | 700+)
文书小题目是粘贴的,大题目是上传的,注意格式 (DUKE有自己的查重系统,目测应该是标准的海本查重,只要不过分就问题不大,但是注意文书中的引用篇幅)
Instructions for all written submissions:
- Responses should use 1.5-line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.
- Do not repeat the question in the document you upload with your application.
- Respond carefully, fully, and concisely.
- Length requirements vary by question and are detailed below.
- Responses must be completed before submitting your application.
1. 有学位或者未来会有学位的学校
2. 一学期及以上 (12分及以上,特殊学校需要换算 如 UT)
3. 修读了相关课程的学校(不计学分,全凭自愿)
录取后:最终成绩单+学位 提交ddl 7.1 for 2023 Summer
- Electronically to
- Directly by mail in a sealed envelope to:
Duke University
The Fuqua School of Business
Office of Admissions
100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120
Durham, NC 27708-0120 USA
不要语言成绩,学校自行评估 (文书,面试,等)
要求GRE/GMAT (参考分数 325+ | 700+)
文书小题目是粘贴的,大题目是上传的,注意格式 (DUKE有自己的查重系统,目测应该是标准的海本查重,只要不过分就问题不大,但是注意文书中的引用篇幅)
Instructions for all written submissions:
- Responses should use 1.5-line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.
- Do not repeat the question in the document you upload with your application.
- Respond carefully, fully, and concisely.
- Length requirements vary by question and are detailed below.
- Responses must be completed before submitting your application.
strong base in strategy, management, accounting, marketing, operations, and finance.
collaborative skills and professional presence
collaborative skills and professional presence
Team-Based Learning (4-6 人不同背景)
5 Terms(6 weeks and three courses each)
Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum (12 weeks, Faculty guidance, 5 MMS team members +Second-year MBA as Coach)
Speakers Series
Previous speakers include:
Tim Cook, CEO, Apple-View YouTube videos
Lisa Borders, Former President, WNBA-View YouTube video
David Taylor, CEO, Procter and Gamble-View YouTube video
jud Linville, CEO, Citi Cards and Ajay Banga, CEO, Mastercard-ViewYouTube video
Mary Barra, CEO,General Motors-View YouTube video
Doug McMillon,CEO,Walmart-View YouTube video
Martin Dempsey, Retired Chairman of the loint Chiefs of Staff_ViewYouTube video
Bill McDermott, CEO, SAP_View YouTube video
David Rubenstein, Co-Founder + Co-CEO-View YouTube video
Roger Ferguson, CEO,TIAA_View YouTube video
Industry Conferences + Corporate Visits
Fundamentals of Business Economics
Cover the fundamental ideas and tools of microeconomics through supply and demand analysis, consumer choices and market demand, and production and cost theory. Gain the tools for market structure analysis and apply them to monopoly and oligopoly markets and price discrimination.
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Develop your ability to read, understand, and interpret corporate financial reports. Become an informed user of financial statement information through learning the basics of bookkeeping, accounting terminology, and fundamental accounting concepts.
Foundations of Capital Markets
Explore the fundamental principles of asset valuation, investments, and investment management. In this course, you'll cover diversification, risk, discounting, arbitrage and hedging, portfolio management, performance evaluation, and the interaction between capital markets and the macro-economy.
Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting
Learn managers' internal use of accounting information to plan, control, and evaluate operations and personnel of the firm. You'll learn the design of cost management systems and their use in decision making and management control systems.
Foundations of Corporate Finance
Examine important issues in corporate finance from the perspective of managers. You'll use the concepts of net present value, uncertainty, and strategic concerns to analyze how investment and financing decisions interact to affect the value of the firm.
Fundamentals of Financial Analysis
Building on your prior coursework in financial accounting, strategy, managerial accounting, investments, and corporate finance, you’ll focus on the financial analysis of a firm and its shares.
Quantitative Business Analysis
Gain an introduction to the analytical basis ofdecision making by building afoundation in probability theory, statistical inference, and regression analysis.First you'll develop an understanding ofprobability and random variables, andthen you'll learn to use sample data and associations among variables for pre-diction and problem solving.
Introduction to Marketing Analysis
Leamn how to create business value by applying the principles, processes, andtools to analyze markets, You'll design optimal marketing programs through'the 3C's"_company, customers, and competition-and "the 4 P's”-pricingpromotion, place,and product.
Fundamentals of Market Research
Gather, analyze, and interpret data about markets and customers, Learn to defne decision problems and determine what information is needed as you examine how to acquire trustworthy, high-quality data and analyze data relevant toclassic marketing decislons.
Principles of Strategy
Identify business opportunities in dynamic competitive environments, You'll analyze competition in this era of globalization and changing boundaries, andyou'll assess strategy under increasing uncertainty, gaining vital strategic analy.sis concepts,models, and tools.
Foundations of Management and rganizations
Leamn to be an effective leader and manager, whatever your level in an organization, Examine practices that make teams more efficient and adaptable by har-nessing diversity to enhance innovation, Learn to lead others as you study thetheoryand practice ofnegotiation.
Introduction to Operations and Supply ChainVanagement
Learn the basic facts and principles ofsupply chain processes and activities.You'll gain an understanding ofthe cycle from the extraction ofraw materialsthrough transportation and processing, to the delivery offinished products tothe customer.
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis
Develop your ability to make good decisions when responding to challengesand complex situations, You'll use spreadsheet models in Microsoft Excel to ex-plore, evaluate,and improve alternative scenarios in a systematic fashion.
Business Communication I
Whether you're conveying the results of a project or leading an organization.communication is key. Here you'll concentrate on presenting informationclearly, strategically, and persuasively in a professional business setting. You'llgain exposure to successful skills -oral, written,and presentation-in a broadarray of media, including how to communicate effectively through spreadsheetsand other analytical modeling tools, And because effective professional con-duct is a core requirement in managing your career, you'll focus on developingand executing an effective job search strategy.
Business Communication Il
Building on concepts from Business Communication l, you'll concentrate onbuilding capabilities needed for success in a team-based work environment.This course focuses on developing your skills in presenting, structuring persua-sive speeches,team dynamics,and interpersonal communication.
Introduction to Marketing Analysis
Leamn how to create business value by applying the principles, processes, andtools to analyze markets, You'll design optimal marketing programs through'the 3C's"_company, customers, and competition-and "the 4 P's”-pricingpromotion, place,and product.
Fundamentals of Market Research
Gather, analyze, and interpret data about markets and customers, Learn to defne decision problems and determine what information is needed as you examine how to acquire trustworthy, high-quality data and analyze data relevant toclassic marketing decislons.
Principles of Strategy
Identify business opportunities in dynamic competitive environments, You'll analyze competition in this era of globalization and changing boundaries, andyou'll assess strategy under increasing uncertainty, gaining vital strategic analy.sis concepts,models, and tools.
Foundations of Management and rganizations
Leamn to be an effective leader and manager, whatever your level in an organization, Examine practices that make teams more efficient and adaptable by har-nessing diversity to enhance innovation, Learn to lead others as you study thetheoryand practice ofnegotiation.
Introduction to Operations and Supply ChainVanagement
Learn the basic facts and principles ofsupply chain processes and activities.You'll gain an understanding ofthe cycle from the extraction ofraw materialsthrough transportation and processing, to the delivery offinished products tothe customer.
Info sheets
【Class Size】
Class of 2023 Highlights
Here are some stats that best highlight our MMS: FOB Class of 2023.
218 Class Size
45% Women
15% Underrepresented Minorities
36 Countries of Citizenship
139 Undergraduate Institutions Represented
【Class Profile】
3.52 Average Undergraduate GPA
620-759 GMAT Range
139 Undergraduate Institutions Represented
150-166 GRE Verbal Range
153-170 GRE Quant Range
Undergraduate Majors
24% Economics
24% Liberal Arts / Other
30% Business & Accounting
22% Engineering / Natural Sciences
【Race Profile】
Race & Ethnicity
American Indian or Alaska Native
Federal Guidelines: 0%
Multi-Identity: 1%
Federal Guidelines: 19%
Multi-Identity: 22%
Black or African American
Federal Guidelines: 6%
Multi-Identity: 10%
Federal Guidelines: 4%
Multi-Identity: 4%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Federal Guidelines: 0%
Multi-Identity: 0%
Federal Guidelines: 62%
Multi-Identity: 72%
Federal Guidelines: 6%
Multi-Identity: 6%
Choose Not to Indicate
Federal Guidelines: 3%
Multi-Identity: 1%
37% Minority Students 15% Under-Represented Minority Students
Minority: U.S. domestic or permanent resident students who identify as African American or Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American, Hispanic American or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and those who are multiracial or multiethnic.
Under-Represented Minority: U.S. domestic or permanent resident students who identify as African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and those who are multiracial or multiethnic.
【Professional Experience】
Average Age: 22
Students with Work Experience: 26%
Average Work Experience (months): 14
Full-Time Jobs by Industry
Finance: 32%
Consulting: 29%
Technology: 12%
Media/Entertainment: 8%
Manufacturing: 3%
Real Estate: 3%
Other: 14%
Total number of full-time jobs: 108
Full-Time Jobs by Function
Finance: 31%
Consulting: 30%
Marketing/Sales: 16%
General Management: 10%
Operations: 3%
Human Resources: 2%
Other: 8%
Total number of full-time jobs: 108
Alumni Profile -
The Career Management Center (亮点是求职规划和面试辅导)-
Resources -
5 Terms(6 weeks and three courses each)
Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum (12 weeks, Faculty guidance, 5 MMS team members +Second-year MBA as Coach)
Speakers Series
Previous speakers include:
Tim Cook, CEO, Apple-View YouTube videos
Lisa Borders, Former President, WNBA-View YouTube video
David Taylor, CEO, Procter and Gamble-View YouTube video
jud Linville, CEO, Citi Cards and Ajay Banga, CEO, Mastercard-ViewYouTube video
Mary Barra, CEO,General Motors-View YouTube video
Doug McMillon,CEO,Walmart-View YouTube video
Martin Dempsey, Retired Chairman of the loint Chiefs of Staff_ViewYouTube video
Bill McDermott, CEO, SAP_View YouTube video
David Rubenstein, Co-Founder + Co-CEO-View YouTube video
Roger Ferguson, CEO,TIAA_View YouTube video
Industry Conferences + Corporate Visits
Fundamentals of Business Economics
Cover the fundamental ideas and tools of microeconomics through supply and demand analysis, consumer choices and market demand, and production and cost theory. Gain the tools for market structure analysis and apply them to monopoly and oligopoly markets and price discrimination.
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Develop your ability to read, understand, and interpret corporate financial reports. Become an informed user of financial statement information through learning the basics of bookkeeping, accounting terminology, and fundamental accounting concepts.
Foundations of Capital Markets
Explore the fundamental principles of asset valuation, investments, and investment management. In this course, you'll cover diversification, risk, discounting, arbitrage and hedging, portfolio management, performance evaluation, and the interaction between capital markets and the macro-economy.
Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting
Learn managers' internal use of accounting information to plan, control, and evaluate operations and personnel of the firm. You'll learn the design of cost management systems and their use in decision making and management control systems.
Foundations of Corporate Finance
Examine important issues in corporate finance from the perspective of managers. You'll use the concepts of net present value, uncertainty, and strategic concerns to analyze how investment and financing decisions interact to affect the value of the firm.
Fundamentals of Financial Analysis
Building on your prior coursework in financial accounting, strategy, managerial accounting, investments, and corporate finance, you’ll focus on the financial analysis of a firm and its shares.
Quantitative Business Analysis
Gain an introduction to the analytical basis ofdecision making by building afoundation in probability theory, statistical inference, and regression analysis.First you'll develop an understanding ofprobability and random variables, andthen you'll learn to use sample data and associations among variables for pre-diction and problem solving.
Introduction to Marketing Analysis
Leamn how to create business value by applying the principles, processes, andtools to analyze markets, You'll design optimal marketing programs through'the 3C's"_company, customers, and competition-and "the 4 P's”-pricingpromotion, place,and product.
Fundamentals of Market Research
Gather, analyze, and interpret data about markets and customers, Learn to defne decision problems and determine what information is needed as you examine how to acquire trustworthy, high-quality data and analyze data relevant toclassic marketing decislons.
Principles of Strategy
Identify business opportunities in dynamic competitive environments, You'll analyze competition in this era of globalization and changing boundaries, andyou'll assess strategy under increasing uncertainty, gaining vital strategic analy.sis concepts,models, and tools.
Foundations of Management and rganizations
Leamn to be an effective leader and manager, whatever your level in an organization, Examine practices that make teams more efficient and adaptable by har-nessing diversity to enhance innovation, Learn to lead others as you study thetheoryand practice ofnegotiation.
Introduction to Operations and Supply ChainVanagement
Learn the basic facts and principles ofsupply chain processes and activities.You'll gain an understanding ofthe cycle from the extraction ofraw materialsthrough transportation and processing, to the delivery offinished products tothe customer.
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis
Develop your ability to make good decisions when responding to challengesand complex situations, You'll use spreadsheet models in Microsoft Excel to ex-plore, evaluate,and improve alternative scenarios in a systematic fashion.
Business Communication I
Whether you're conveying the results of a project or leading an organization.communication is key. Here you'll concentrate on presenting informationclearly, strategically, and persuasively in a professional business setting. You'llgain exposure to successful skills -oral, written,and presentation-in a broadarray of media, including how to communicate effectively through spreadsheetsand other analytical modeling tools, And because effective professional con-duct is a core requirement in managing your career, you'll focus on developingand executing an effective job search strategy.
Business Communication Il
Building on concepts from Business Communication l, you'll concentrate onbuilding capabilities needed for success in a team-based work environment.This course focuses on developing your skills in presenting, structuring persua-sive speeches,team dynamics,and interpersonal communication.
Introduction to Marketing Analysis
Leamn how to create business value by applying the principles, processes, andtools to analyze markets, You'll design optimal marketing programs through'the 3C's"_company, customers, and competition-and "the 4 P's”-pricingpromotion, place,and product.
Fundamentals of Market Research
Gather, analyze, and interpret data about markets and customers, Learn to defne decision problems and determine what information is needed as you examine how to acquire trustworthy, high-quality data and analyze data relevant toclassic marketing decislons.
Principles of Strategy
Identify business opportunities in dynamic competitive environments, You'll analyze competition in this era of globalization and changing boundaries, andyou'll assess strategy under increasing uncertainty, gaining vital strategic analy.sis concepts,models, and tools.
Foundations of Management and rganizations
Leamn to be an effective leader and manager, whatever your level in an organization, Examine practices that make teams more efficient and adaptable by har-nessing diversity to enhance innovation, Learn to lead others as you study thetheoryand practice ofnegotiation.
Introduction to Operations and Supply ChainVanagement
Learn the basic facts and principles ofsupply chain processes and activities.You'll gain an understanding ofthe cycle from the extraction ofraw materialsthrough transportation and processing, to the delivery offinished products tothe customer.
Info sheets
【Class Size】
Class of 2023 Highlights
Here are some stats that best highlight our MMS: FOB Class of 2023.
218 Class Size
45% Women
15% Underrepresented Minorities
36 Countries of Citizenship
139 Undergraduate Institutions Represented
【Class Profile】
3.52 Average Undergraduate GPA
620-759 GMAT Range
139 Undergraduate Institutions Represented
150-166 GRE Verbal Range
153-170 GRE Quant Range
Undergraduate Majors
24% Economics
24% Liberal Arts / Other
30% Business & Accounting
22% Engineering / Natural Sciences
【Race Profile】
Race & Ethnicity
American Indian or Alaska Native
Federal Guidelines: 0%
Multi-Identity: 1%
Federal Guidelines: 19%
Multi-Identity: 22%
Black or African American
Federal Guidelines: 6%
Multi-Identity: 10%
Federal Guidelines: 4%
Multi-Identity: 4%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Federal Guidelines: 0%
Multi-Identity: 0%
Federal Guidelines: 62%
Multi-Identity: 72%
Federal Guidelines: 6%
Multi-Identity: 6%
Choose Not to Indicate
Federal Guidelines: 3%
Multi-Identity: 1%
37% Minority Students 15% Under-Represented Minority Students
Minority: U.S. domestic or permanent resident students who identify as African American or Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American, Hispanic American or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and those who are multiracial or multiethnic.
Under-Represented Minority: U.S. domestic or permanent resident students who identify as African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and those who are multiracial or multiethnic.
【Professional Experience】
Average Age: 22
Students with Work Experience: 26%
Average Work Experience (months): 14
Full-Time Jobs by Industry
Finance: 32%
Consulting: 29%
Technology: 12%
Media/Entertainment: 8%
Manufacturing: 3%
Real Estate: 3%
Other: 14%
Total number of full-time jobs: 108
Full-Time Jobs by Function
Finance: 31%
Consulting: 30%
Marketing/Sales: 16%
General Management: 10%
Operations: 3%
Human Resources: 2%
Other: 8%
Total number of full-time jobs: 108
Alumni Profile -
The Career Management Center (亮点是求职规划和面试辅导)-
Resources -