Master of Community and Regional Planning


UBC Faculty of Applied Science



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托福/GRE Code






Applicants to the Master of Community and Regional Planning (MCRP) program must prepare and submit a 600-word Statement of Interest. This will help the Admissions Committee assess whether your objectives can be satisfied by the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP). We recommend you provide this statement to your referees in preparation for submitting your MCRP application.

Your Statement of Interest should outline:

Your interest in planning and why you have chosen it as a career
Any previous experience that has influenced your decision to pursue a planning career (e.g., employment and/or volunteer experiences, academic background, conferences attended, etc.)
Why you have chosen the School of Community and Regional Planning, in particular, for your graduate planning education
Any other background information you feel is pertinent

In developing your Statement of Interest, please think about and discuss what particular planning areas you are most interested in. These can include, but are not limited to:

Community development
Urban design
Food systems planning
Natural resource development and planning
Social justice and environmental equity
International and urban development planning
Transportation planning and policy
Ecological planning
Health and the built environment
Land use and environmental policy
Sustainable and smart growth planning
Community resilience and disaster management planning
Planning law
As examples of possible areas of focus, recent graduates’ professional projects have incorporated the following planning topics:

Transit-oriented development and neighbourhood design
Public space design
Community resilience and disaster planning
Participatory urban design
Climate adaptation planning
Food systems and social justice
First Nations community planning
Affordable housing design and development
Developing high-density family-friendly housing
Planning for non-motorized transportation infrastructure
Cultural planning and historic preservation
International sustainable community and economic development