MSc Finance and Risk


LSE Department of Management


12 months full-time only


  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 其他


托福/GRE Code
HMT 86-56




100.00 L:22.00 R:23.00 S:22.00 W:24.00


7.00 L:6.50 R:6.50 S:6.50 W:6.50








You must upload a statement that explains your academic interest in, understandingof and academic preparedness for the programme(s) you are applying for. Youshould also explain the academic rationale for applying to the programme(s) youhave chosen. lf applying for two programmes, you are strongly encouraged to write aseparate statement for each programme. The statement of academic purpose is animportant part of your application, and selectors are looking for evidence of youracademic suitability and motivation, and of what you can contribute academically tothe programmeWe expect statement(s) to be between 1,000-1,500 words.
Please address the following questions/prompts in your statement(s)
Academic Motivations
What prompted your interest in this particular field of study? Perhaps you haveunanswered questions from your undergraduate studies or professional work, oryou would like to further explore issues and ideas raised in your curricular orextra-curricular reading?
Why would you like to study your chosen programme? Perhaps it offers aparticular approach, or there are specific modules that will help you developnecessary skills or knowledge. Perhaps the research interests of the academicsteaching on your programme, and/or the wider research culture of thedepartment align with your own interests and academic/professionaaspirations?
What makes you suitable for this LSE programme? Perhaps you have takenrelevant undergraduate modules, or have relevant professional, voluntary, orother experience that has prepared for postgraduate study in this area?
Purpose and Objectives
What do you hope to get out of this particular LSE programme? How would thisparticular programme help you to achieve your personal, academic, andprofessional goals? Take the time to explain your academic or professionalaspirations and goals, and how your chosen programme will impart thenecessary skills and knowledge. Please avoid general statements about LSE'sperformance in global rankings, and generic statements about London being aglobal/cosmopolitan centre of excellence.
If there are circumstances that have disrupted your education/significantly interferedwith your learning (for example, health problems, displacement, long-term caringresponsibilities), please feel free to let us know about them in a separate documentadded to your application (you can upload this document via the 'Additional ltem'upload option). lf appropriate, please also consult the advice we give to applicantsfrom a forced migration background here, and from a care-experienced backgroundhere.
Please ensure that your statement(s):
Are all your own work. lf we discover this is not the case, your application maybe cancelled
Are well-written, well-structured and specific to the programme(s) applied for
Are proofread before being uploaded, and the final correct versions are uploaded
Only include that which is relevant to your programme choice(s). Additionalinformation regarding unrelated extra-curricular activities, personalachievements or work experience should be included in your CV
Have your name and the title of your chosen programme in the header or footerof every page
Related Programmes
MSc Finance (full-time)Code(s) N3UA
MSc Finance and EconomicsCode(s)LN43
MSc Real Estate Economics andFinance
Code(s) L8U3
MSc Finance and Private EquityCode(s) N3UB
MSc Accounting and FinanceCode(s) N4U1


Work experience (either through internships or full employment) is not a pre-requisite; however, applicants who have some professional experience should include this in their application, as it may strengthen their application.


Successful applicants usually have a solid undergraduate background in one or more of the following areas: Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics and Accounting. However, we also welcome applications from candidates with other backgrounds. If you do not have sufficient background in these areas, we may require you to take one or more LSE Summer School courses.


TOEFL IBT 100 ( R23|L22|W24|S22)
IELTS 7.0 (6.5)
GRE Required (非英本)
免语言要求参考: (不接受加本)
academic achievement
statement of academic purpose
two references


What types of risks exist in various settings?
What are the appropriate ways to classify, measure and assess risk?
How does the organisation of enterprises, governments and markets increase, decrease or change the nature of risk?
What techniques can be used to transfer risk in markets, firms or societies?

The design of the programme will enable you to acquire a broad knowledge of risk management and regulation, and to deepen your competency in a chosen area of specialisation.


总共4学分的课程要求,2.5学分都是选修课,选课范围很广,包含财会,金融,地理和环境,法律,管理,统计等等。课程形式普遍都有两种:Lecture / Seminar; 课程评分机制分为两种:Formative(不算 GPA) / Summative(算GPA)

For students starting this programme of study in 2023/24
Guidelines for interpreting programme regulations
Classifcation scheme for the award of a taught master's degree (four units)Examm sub-board local rules
Full-year programme. Student must take courses to the value of four full units (ofwhich one paper includes a dissertation) as shown below.
Please note that places are limited on some optional courses. Admission onto anyparticular course is not guaranteed and may be subject to timetabling constraintsandor students meeting specific prerequisite requirements.
PaperCourse number, title (unit value)
Paper 1FM403 Management and Regulation of Risk (1.0) “
Paper 2Courses to the value of 0.5 unit(s) from the following
FM431A Corporate Finance A (0.5)#
FM431W Corporate Finance A (0.5)
FM439 Asset Markets for MSc Risk and Finance (0.5)#
Or any other half-unit quantitative Finance course with the permissionof the programme director.
Papers 3 &4
Courses to the value of 2.5 unit(s)from the following
AC412 Accountability, Organisations and Risk Management (0.5)
AC444 Valuation and Security Analysis (0.5)#
AC470 Accounting in the Global Economy (0.5)
FM402 Financial Risk Analysis (0.5)#
FM412 Quantitative Security Analysis (0.5)#
FM413 Fixed Income Markets (0.5)#
FM421 Applied Corporate Finance (0.5)五
FM431A Corporate Finance A(0.5)# 1
FM431W Corporate Finance A (0.5)# 2
FM439 Asset Markets for MSc Risk and Finance (0.5) #
FM439 Asset Markets for MSc Risk and Finance (0.5)#FM441 Derivatives (0.5)#FM445 Portfolio Management (0.5)
FM471 Sustainable Finance and lmpact Investing (0.5) FM476 Entrepreneurial Finance (0.5)#
FM477 International Finance A(0.5)
GY420 Environmental Regulation: lmplementing Policy(1.0)GY455 Economic Appraisal and Valuation (0.5)
GY462 Real Estate Finance (0.5)
GY465 Concepts in Environmental Regulation (0.5)GY475 lssues in Environmental Governance (0.5)LL4BF International Financial Regulation (0.5)
LL4BK Corporate Crime (0.5)
LL4BL Financial Crime (0.5)
MG455 Decisions, Biases and Nudges (0.5)#
MG4A8 Strategy for the Information Economy (0.5)#MG4B9 The World Trading System (0.5)#(not available 2023/24)PH425 Business and Organisational Ethics (0.5)
S0425 Economy, Risk and Society(1.0)
ST409 Stochastic Processes (0.5)#
Any other paper with the approval of the Programme Director
分数门槛:(Upper Second Class Honour (2:1))
The Department of Finance runs an extensive Professional Development Programmealongside the academic programme in order to support and prepare students toenter the job market. Starting in the pre-sessional course in September, students aregiven a wide range of careers support, fromCV workshops and application advice tosector overviews and opportunities to meet and network with recent alumnilwho areworking in London.
We run a number of events to best prepare students for the competitive financialservices sector job market:
Introduction to careers in Finance:City Speaker Series
CV and cover letter workshops:Case Studies for Consulting Masterclass
1-to-1 CV checking:Networking skills session
Application Form Workshop:Alumni panel and networking reception

Throughout the year, in addition to the great service offered by LSE Careers, theDepartment of Finance provides tailored, individual careers support to its studentsvia a number of highly experienced sector consultants and Associate ProgrammeDirectors, each with significant experience of working in financial services.
Alumni network
The Department's multiple well-established master's programmes mean we have alarge and wide-ranging alumni network. Students get direct access to this throughthe alumni networking events that take place during the pre-sessional, Autumn Termand Winter Term.
With alumni in top jobs and senior positions in London and overseas, this greatinternational network has brought employment opportunities directly to our currentstudents as former graduates and their employers look to hire the very best.
The Department has a strong presence on Linkedin and encourages all alum toconnect with us and to keep us updated as their careers progress. TheDepartment's LinkedIn pages facilitate online engagement between alums andcontain details of news and events as well as programme specific groups.
In the past we have had great success linking up students to alumni and also alumnfrom different classes with each other, forming both professional and personalbonds.
City Speaker Series
During September the Department organises a number of City Speaker lectures.where practitioners from a range of different areas of finance are invited in to talk toour students about their roles and the skills required to succeed. These sessionsoffer an informal opportunity for students to learn about specific sectors withinfinance and to assess their fit for specific careers and roles.
In previous years the City Speaker Series has included representatives from:
Alliance & Bernstein
McKinsey Risk Management
Goldmans Sachs
JP Morgan
Credit Suisse
Houlihan Lokey
Morgan Stanley
Procter & Gamble