Master of Information


Toronto Faculty of Information


course-based (最快可16个月完成);thesis-based (24个月);co-op (24个月)
8 credits


  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 其他


托福/GRE Code
$125 CAD




107.00 S:24.00 W:27.00


7.50 S:7.00 W:7.50




申请时不需要,录取后需要wes;还在上大四的学生需要给interim transcript;University of Toronto, 140 St. George Street - 4th floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5s 3G6.E-transcripts are also accepted :




Statement of Interest and Other Questions
(These questions may change slightly for Fall 2025 admission cycle – please check back for updates)
In this part of the application, you will create one double-spaced document consisting of:
1. A Statement of Interest (400-600 words, required)
2. The answers to two (2) mandatory questions (150-200 words each, required)
3. The answers to two (2) reflective questions (150-200 words each, required)
4. Additional context to help us interpret your application (150-200 words, optional)
Please include the word count in the heading for each response, e.g., “Statement of Interest (491 words)”. Note that longer answers will not necessarily be considered stronger, and exceeding the word count may impact the assessment of your application.
Once completed, please submit this one document through the SGS application site as either a Microsoft Word file or a PDF. The document should be no longer than 5 pages total.
5. Statement of Interest
- As a future professional in the information and/or museum fields, you will be responsible for the management of information, knowledge, and culture in an ever-changing world.
- In your Statement of Interest, we would like to learn more about your interest in the Faculty of Information, as well as your vision for your graduate studies and subsequent professional career.
- Your Statement of Interest should be between 400 and 600 words, double-spaced, and written in essay format using complete sentences.
Statement of Interest Prompts
Read through and reflect on the prompts below and use some of the following questions to guide your writing.
You are not required to address all questions in your Statement of Interest.
We value applicants who have chosen the information and/or museum field thoughtfully, and who can articulate their motivations for studying at the Faculty of Information.
- How did you decide that committing to the information and/or museum field was the best decision for you?
- What are some of the reasons you chose to apply to the Faculty of Information?
Our students have a wide range of academic and professional interests, and many have pursued different careers or degrees before choosing the Faculty of Information.
- In what ways has your academic, professional, or personal experience prepared you for our Master of Information and/or Master of Museum Studies program?
- In what ways could your prior experiences and interests enrich, expand, or enhance your journey in the information and/or museum field?
It is important to the Faculty of Information that we are educating information and museum professionals who will contribute to their chosen fields, practice their professions ethically and responsibly, and be grounded in the values of equity, diversity and inclusion.
- What are some topics, questions, or problems you would like to explore during your studies here, and which of our concentrations best suits your interests?
- What are some of your career goals and aspirations for the future, and in what ways would our Master of Information and/or Master of Museum Studies program support you in achieving them?
- Upon graduation, what are some ways you hope to contribute to the information and/or museum field? What makes these contributions important to you
- What does it mean to you to be an information and/or museum professional, and what are some of the key values such a professional should uphold?
6. Mandatory Questions
With these questions, we would like to learn about your critical thinking, and your potential role within a diverse learning community. Since each question is limited to 200 words, successful answers will be specific and concise.
Please respond to each question separately, include the word count in each heading, and make it clear which questions you are responding to.
MQ1: A Challenge in the Field
Critically consider the Information (MI) OR Museum (MMSt) field and identify a real, substantial gap or challenge within it. Describe the challenge, suggest a viable solution, and illustrate how your skill set, knowledge, and expertise can meaningfully contribute to implementing this solution.
MQ2: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism
The Faculty of Information is strongly committed to initiating, cultivating and sustaining an academic community that engages diverse intellectual and cultural perspectives, and that values inclusion, acceptance, shared responsibility, and mutual respect. Tell us how your experiences, perspectives, or actions would contribute to this goal.
7. Reflective Questions
With these questions, we would like to learn about your interpersonal skills and your ability to reflect on past experiences. Please feel free to provide example(s) from your personal, professional, or academic life.
Please answer two of these questions to enrich your application.
Please respond to each question separately, include the word count in each heading, and make it clear which questions you are responding to.
RQ1: Creativity
Creative potential can take many forms: problem-solving, innovative thinking, and artistic expression. What are some ways you personally channel your creative inclinations, and how would your creative outlets influence your academic and professional journey within the context of the Faculty of Information?
RQ2: Flexibility
What is a real-life, non-academic experience you have had in which things did not go as you had planned or hoped? What happened, how did you navigate the situation, and what benefits or opportunities for growth did you take away from the experience?
RQ3: Resilience
Reflect on a major challenge you have confronted in your life and discuss the strategies you have employed against it. What progress have you made towards overcoming the challenge, and how has this struggle impacted your experiences or achievements?
8. Context
(Optional) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your academic record or experiences (e.g., inconsistencies, gaps, policies, circumstances, etc.)?
We care about your unique interests, accomplishments, and perspectives, and this document is our opportunity to get to know the most important things about you. Here are some tips to ensure your responses represent you well.
- Be clear, focused, and organized. Plan out your responses and ensure they follow a logical structure. Consider why we may be asking each question, and how to answer it as directly and concisely as possible.
- Be authentic, reflective, and specific. Consider how to apply your own writing voice to your responses, what key messages you want each response to convey to someone who doesn’t know you, and what concrete examples from your experience you can use to support these messages. We want to understand your journey and the challenges you have faced, but you don’t need to write about a life-changing event, personal hardship, or difficult circumstance to have a strong application.
- Be careful with clichés, cultural references, and humour. Clichés and canned phrases reduce your ability to differentiate yourself from other applicants, while references to media and ironic or joking phrasing may not be accurately understood by your readers.
- Revise and review. Give yourself enough time to think about your responses, to write a few drafts, and to come back to them with fresh eyes. Check your spelling, grammar, and structure. Read your responses out loud and ask people you trust who know you well for their perspective on how your writing represents you to a reader.
第二点,坦诚地谈谈你为什么对Master of Information项目感兴趣。比如是不是曾经遇到了一个让你着迷的信息挑战?或者是梦想着用信息技术来改变社会?找到你个人的“为什么”,写下来,轻松自然。
当然还要谈谈你怎么为未来铺路!讲述一下你对未来的规划,以及Master of Information项目如何成为你职业生涯的有力推手。是不是期待着在信息领域探索未知?别忘了把这份憧憬融入你的文书中。




面试可能需要, 基本没有
CV/ Resume
Statement of Interest and other questions
Academic Letters of Reference
English Language Proficiency
还在上大四的学生需要给interim transcript




GPA 3.8/4.0自动放进授予入学奖学金名单,但还是会看具体的背景
也可以双degree和MMS(Master of Museum Studies)一起修即combined degree program (CDP)为期3年,这种情况两个专业都需要申请
5 concentrations,3 种课程方式选择。有多种实习工作资源如co-op,TALint Pogram,Practicum……
1.course-based (最快可16个月完成):授课型硕士,以授课和就业为导向,不需要写大论文
2.thesis-based (24个月):研究型硕士,以培养学术研究人才为导向,初上课之后需要完成一篇毕业大论文
3. co-op (24个月):以授课和就业为导向, 除上课之外还有2学期的co-op实习,为求职助力
多大这几个分支好像每年都会增加或者删除,最好每年都check 一下
1、Information system + Design: 信息系统 + 设计 (ISD) 专业
专注于人、信息技术和组织的交汇。它是理论与实践在复杂信息系统设计中的交汇点。ISD 使学生能够在各种媒体、组织和企业中建立软件和信息系统设计、管理和实施方面的专业知识
2、Library & Information Science 图书馆 + 信息科学
地球上有数十亿人,也有数十亿种出版物。图书馆 + 信息科学 (LIS) 将两者结合在一起,解决这一代人最棘手的问题。LIS 通过让文档发挥想象力,为建设更美好的世界做出了贡献。重点领域包括学术、公共和特殊图书馆学、政府文件、信息和信息资源及收藏。
3、Archives & Records Management 档案和记录管理
档案和记录对于民主和子孙后代的重要性怎么强调都不为过。但是,在不断变化的数字时代,我们如何保存(更不用说记录)信息?了解如何识别、管理和保存模拟和数字档案和记录,并受到档案和记录管理 (ARM) 领域领先研究人员和教师的启发。
4、Human Centered Data Science 以人为本的数据科学 (较热门)
HCDS 课程让学生了解数据检索和处理的基本概念、理论、实践和不同视角,同时应用新技术发展并认识到这些发展可能对社会产生的影响。HCDS 学生将掌握软件原理和实践、编程概念和技术、数据结构以及系统开发方法 + 实践方面的知识。
5、User Experience Design 用户体验设计(较热门)
了解如何创建更好的数字环境。UXD 课程通过研究典型用户、使用环境、交互技术和由此产生的情绪以及各种其他 UX 评估技术来考虑人们与技术互动的方式。通过 UXD,学生可以通过学术和行业领导者的理论和实践指导相结合的方式获得成为专业 UX 从业者所需的技能。
Concentration by Coursework only (16 months) 授课型硕士,以授课和就业为导向,不需要写大论文
Concentration + Thesis (24 months) 研究型硕士,以培养学术研究人才为导向,初上课之后需要完成一篇毕业大论文
Concentration + Co-op (24 months) 以授课和就业为导向, 除上课之外还有2学期的co-op实习,为求职助力
【Info sheets】
【Class Size】
【Career Resources】
Co-peratitve Education
该选项允许学生通过连续两个 12 周的全职带薪工作期获得宝贵的工作经验。这是一个在专业情况下应用知识并获得学分的机会。
TA LinT Program
多伦多学术图书馆实习计划 (TALint) 为实习生提供了在多伦多大学各种部门工作的机会,例如大学档案馆、媒体共享中心、工程图书馆和外展部门。
提供两门实习课程(105 小时),让您有机会在您感兴趣的领域的组织中从事实际项目。
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Ontario Public Service
Deloitte Digital
Archieves of Ontario