Master of Computer Science and Information Systems


McGill School Of Computer Science


12 months
45 credits


  • 秋季
  • 常规
  • 其他









GRE not required


This program is designed for students with a strong interest in research in computer science who hold at least the equivalent of an undergraduate minor in CS. This program combines a strong course component with a research thesis. It is the usual (but not mandatory) entry point for students who wish to do a Ph.D., but is also the program of choice for students who want to find challenging and exciting jobs after their master's.

Our M.Sc. thesis program offers students a wide exposure to advanced topics in Computer Science and trains them in performing cutting-edge research. It prepares students for research careers in academia and industry.
The program is designed to take 18-24 months. Students have to register as full-term M.Sc. students (thesis) for three terms (typically in Fall/Winter/Fall) and then often for one additional session (Winter).
Students intending to pursue a Ph.D. after the M.Sc. should follow the thesis program rather than the non-thesis program. Alternatively, students may apply to be fast-tracked to the Ph.D. program without completing the M.Sc. first. Such applicants must have completed a minimum of two and a maximum of four full-time semesters, according to GPS rules. For more information, see the bottom of this web page.
The M.Sc. thesis program has a total of 45 credits. In its current form students have to attend talks throughout the first year in the School’s Computer Science Seminar (COMP 602 in Fall and COMP 603 in Winter) to get a broad insight of current research challenges, take 4 complementary courses with a breadth requirement, and conduct a research thesis with significant scholarly content. This research will be overseen by an academic supervisor.
Students are encouraged to take a minimum of two complementary courses in their first semester and strongly encouraged to complete all four complementary courses by the end of their second semester (alternative plans should be discussed with supervisor(s) or the GPD).

Master of Science (M.Sc.) Computer Science (Thesis) (45 credits)

Offered by: Computer Science
Degree: Master of Science

Program Requirements

Thesis Courses (29 credits)
29 credits selected from:

COMP 691 Thesis Research 1 (3 credits)
COMP 696 Thesis Research 2 (3 credits)
COMP 697 Thesis Research 3 (4 credits)
COMP 698 Thesis Research 4 (10 credits)
COMP 699 Thesis Research 5 (12 credits)
Required Courses (2 credits)

COMP 602 Computer Science Seminar 1 (1 credit)
COMP 603 Computer Science Seminar 2 (1 credit)
Complementary Courses (14 credits)
14 credits of COMP (or approved) courses at the 500-, 600-, or 700-level.

Complementary courses must satisfy a Computer Science breadth requirement, with at least one course in two of the Theory, Systems, and Application areas. Areas covered by specific courses are determined by the Computer Science graduate program director.

Category A: Theory

COMP 523 Language-based Security (3 credits)
COMP 525 Formal Verification (3 credits)
COMP 527 Logic and Computation (3 credits)
COMP 531 Advanced Theory of Computation (3 credits)
COMP 540 Matrix Computations (4 credits)
COMP 547 Cryptography and Data Security (4 credits)
COMP 552 Combinatorial Optimization (4 credits)
COMP 553 Algorithmic Game Theory (4 credits)
COMP 554 Approximation Algorithms (4 credits)
COMP 562 Theory of Machine Learning (4 credits)
COMP 566 Discrete Optimization 1 (3 credits)
COMP 567 Discrete Optimization 2 (3 credits)
COMP 610 Information Structures 1 (4 credits)
COMP 611 Mathematical Tools for Computer Science (4 credits)
COMP 642 Numerical Estimation Methods (4 credits)
COMP 644 Advanced Cryptography (4 credits)
COMP 649 Quantum Cryptography (4 credits)
COMP 690 Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms (4 credits)
COMP 760 Advanced Topics Theory 1 (4 credits)
COMP 761 Advanced Topics Theory 2 (4 credits)
Category B: Systems

COMP 512 Distributed Systems (4 credits)
COMP 520 Compiler Design (4 credits)
COMP 529 Software Architecture (4 credits)
COMP 533 Model-Driven Software Development (3 credits)
COMP 535 Computer Networks 1 (4 credits)
COMP 614 Distributed Data Management (4 credits)
COMP 621 Program Analysis and Transformations (4 credits)
COMP 655 Distributed Simulation (4 credits)
COMP 667 Software Fault Tolerance (4 credits)
COMP 762 Advanced Topics Programming 1 (4 credits)
COMP 763 Advanced Topics Programming 2 (4 credits)
COMP 764 Advanced Topics Systems 1 (4 credits)
COMP 765 Advanced Topics Systems 2 (4 credits)
Category C: Applications

COMP 514 Applied Robotics (4 credits)
COMP 521 Modern Computer Games (4 credits)
COMP 546 Computational Perception (4 credits)
COMP 549 Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
COMP 550 Natural Language Processing (3 credits)
COMP 551 Applied Machine Learning (4 credits)
COMP 555 Software Privacy (4 credits)
COMP 557 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (4 credits)
COMP 558 Fundamentals of Computer Vision (4 credits)
COMP 559 Fundamentals of Computer Animation (4 credits)
COMP 561 Computational Biology Methods and Research (4 credits)
COMP 564 Advanced Computational Biology Methods and Research (3 credits)
COMP 565 Machine Learning in Genomics and Healthcare (4 credits)
COMP 579 Reinforcement Learning (4 credits)
COMP 585 Intelligent Software Systems (4 credits)
COMP 588 Probabilistic Graphical Models (4 credits)
COMP 618 Bioinformatics: Functional Genomics (3 credits)
COMP 652 Machine Learning (4 credits)
COMP 654 Graph Representation Learning (4 credits)
COMP 680 Mining Biological Sequences (4 credits)
COMP 766 Advanced Topics Applications 1 (4 credits)
COMP 767 Advanced Topics Applications 2 (4 credits)
Faculty of Science—2022-2023 (last updated Aug. 24, 2022) (disclaimer)