Master of Science in Statistics(MSC)-Biostatistics concentration
UBC Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science基本信息
2 years项目学分
30 credits申请截止日期
The department's Admissions Committee has outlined the following requirements, along with other desired courses and skills. Note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Note also that an applicant missing a course or two but with other strong attributes, such as work experience as a statistician, will be seriously considered.
required: calculus (differentiation, integration, multivariable calculus) as obtained in UBC MATH 100, 200, 253
required: linear algebra, as obtained in UBC MATH 221
In addition, the student should have some ability in constructing proofs, for instance concerning continuity and limits, such as acquired in UBC MATH 200.
required: an intoductory course including axioms of probability, various common distributions, multivariate distributions and some limit theorems, as obtained through UBC MATH/STAT 302 or via the text Introduction to Probability and Its Applications, 2nd edition, by R.L. Scheaffer.
recommended but not required: stochastic processes, as obtained through UBC MATH 303
required: familiarity with R
recommended but not required: experience in coding such as C/C+ or Python
required: an introductory course in statistical methods, such as UBC STAT 200 or via the text Statistics Data and Models, Pearson Canada, 2015, by De Veaux Velleman and Bock
required: a course in statistical inference/mathematical statistics: theory of estimation and hypothesis testing, such as UBC STAT 305 or via the text Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, 1988, by John Rice
required: either a course in regression analysis or a course in the design of experiments/ANOVA. The regression course should cover the material in UBC STAT 306, with text Applied Linear Regression, Wiley, by S. Weisberg. The design/ANOVA course should cover the material in UBC STAT 404, with text Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley, latest edition, by D. Montgomery.
The department's Admissions Committee has outlined the following requirements, along with other desired courses and skills. Note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Note also that an applicant missing a course or two but with other strong attributes, such as work experience as a statistician, will be seriously considered.
required: calculus (differentiation, integration, multivariable calculus) as obtained in UBC MATH 100, 200, 253
required: linear algebra, as obtained in UBC MATH 221
In addition, the student should have some ability in constructing proofs, for instance concerning continuity and limits, such as acquired in UBC MATH 200.
required: an intoductory course including axioms of probability, various common distributions, multivariate distributions and some limit theorems, as obtained through UBC MATH/STAT 302 or via the text Introduction to Probability and Its Applications, 2nd edition, by R.L. Scheaffer.
recommended but not required: stochastic processes, as obtained through UBC MATH 303
required: familiarity with R
recommended but not required: experience in coding such as C/C+ or Python
required: an introductory course in statistical methods, such as UBC STAT 200 or via the text Statistics Data and Models, Pearson Canada, 2015, by De Veaux Velleman and Bock
required: a course in statistical inference/mathematical statistics: theory of estimation and hypothesis testing, such as UBC STAT 305 or via the text Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, 1988, by John Rice
required: either a course in regression analysis or a course in the design of experiments/ANOVA. The regression course should cover the material in UBC STAT 306, with text Applied Linear Regression, Wiley, by S. Weisberg. The design/ANOVA course should cover the material in UBC STAT 404, with text Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley, latest edition, by D. Montgomery.
GPA: B+ grade range (76-79% at UBC)
GRE not required
GRE not required
Established in 1983, the Department of Statistics at UBC is internationally renowned for its excellence in research and the high calibre of its faculty members. Our programs offers students different options for pursuing their interests and professional goals. We currently have programs at both the Masters and PhD levels. At the MSc level we offer a MSc in Statistics and a MSc in Statistics with a Biostatistics option (in collaboration with the School of Population and Public Health). Students can choose to do a thesis, a final project or an 8-month full-time Co-op placement (internship) outside the Department.
With appropriately selected courses during their MSc program, our students can prepare themselves for a successful career in biostatistics, bioinformatics / genomics, data mining, statistical computing, among others.
The Department is renowned in Canada for its research excellence and its leadership in the research community. Students are engaged through both courses and research, and develop a strong set of skills, both applied and theoretical. The Department has always valued data driven research, consulting and collaboration, and has long held communication and computing skills as crucial for success. These values are apparent not only in individual faculty’s research programs but also in our undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Graduate students participate actively in our research, teaching and consulting activities, and enjoy a wide variety of opportunities for interaction with other researchers and students on- and off-campus. These opportunities are facilitated by the involvement of our faculty members in various collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, our graduate students run their own statistical consulting service, which provides them with professional (paid) experience even before they finish their program.
General MSc Requirements
The total number of required credits is 30, of which 3 credits could be for a project, or 6 credits for a thesis. At least 24 credits must be in courses numbered 500 and above. Students are expected to register for a minimum of 18 credits in their first year, and a minimum of 12 credits in their second year. The Department requires that students maintain an average of at least 75% in order to stay in the program.
In addition to these formal requirements, students are expected to develop proficiency in the use of statistical computing software, with R being particularly important.
To broaden their knowledge and experience in the discipline, students are expected to take advantage of other opportunities provided by departmental activities, such as the weekly seminars and other presentations.
Requirements for the MSc in Statistics
There are 4 key mandatory sequences of courses; most students would have some of these in their undergraduate program and thus need not re-take them. Other courses are taken for breadth.
STAT 404: design of experiments/analysis of variance, not listed explicitly as a program requirement, but it is corequisite for STAT 550
at least 3 credits from the following applied statistics courses: STAT 527 Analysis of Longitudinal Data, STAT 538 Generalized Linear Models, STAT 541 Multivariate Analysis, STAT 543 Time Series, STAT 545 Data Analysis (not all courses are offered each year)
STAT 550 Statistical Consulting I (3 credits)
STAT 551 Statistical Consulting II (3 credits) Co-op students are not required to take STAT 551.
STAT 560 Mathematical Statistics I (3 credits)
STAT 561 Mathematical Statistics II (3 credits)
advanced probability and stochastic processes: an advanced probability course recommended by the Graduate Program Advisor
Requirements for the MSc in Statistics (Biostatistics concentration)
STAT 404: design of experiments/analysis of variance, not listed explicitly as a program requirement, but it is corequisite for STAT 550
STAT 536 Design and Analysis of Clinical Studies (1-3 credits)
STAT 538 Generalized Linear Models (1-3 credits)
STAT 545 Data Analysis (1-3 credits)
STAT 550 Statistical Consulting I (3 credits)
STAT 560 Statistical Theory I (3 credits)
SPPH 502 Epidemiology I (3 credits)
SPPH 501 Analysis of Longitudinal Data from Epidemiological Studies (3 credits) or STAT 527 Topics in Biostatistics (1-6 credits)
Experience in collaborating with non-statisticians. The desired route is through sustained involvement with a health research team. The "fall-back" route is successful completion of the second course in statistical consulting, STAT 551, taken in the fall term of the second year of the MSc program. Students seeking to satisfy this requirement through the desired route (and thus be exempt from STAT 551) must submit evidence of their sustained involvement with a health research team at least one month before the start of the fall term of the 2nd year of their MSc program. Their application would be reviewed by their research supervisor and one other faculty member involved with the Biostatistics Program, who would submit a recommendation to the Graduate Program Director for a final decision.
Established in 1983, the Department of Statistics at UBC is internationally renowned for its excellence in research and the high calibre of its faculty members. Our programs offers students different options for pursuing their interests and professional goals. We currently have programs at both the Masters and PhD levels. At the MSc level we offer a MSc in Statistics and a MSc in Statistics with a Biostatistics option (in collaboration with the School of Population and Public Health). Students can choose to do a thesis, a final project or an 8-month full-time Co-op placement (internship) outside the Department.
With appropriately selected courses during their MSc program, our students can prepare themselves for a successful career in biostatistics, bioinformatics / genomics, data mining, statistical computing, among others.
The Department is renowned in Canada for its research excellence and its leadership in the research community. Students are engaged through both courses and research, and develop a strong set of skills, both applied and theoretical. The Department has always valued data driven research, consulting and collaboration, and has long held communication and computing skills as crucial for success. These values are apparent not only in individual faculty’s research programs but also in our undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Graduate students participate actively in our research, teaching and consulting activities, and enjoy a wide variety of opportunities for interaction with other researchers and students on- and off-campus. These opportunities are facilitated by the involvement of our faculty members in various collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, our graduate students run their own statistical consulting service, which provides them with professional (paid) experience even before they finish their program.
General MSc Requirements
The total number of required credits is 30, of which 3 credits could be for a project, or 6 credits for a thesis. At least 24 credits must be in courses numbered 500 and above. Students are expected to register for a minimum of 18 credits in their first year, and a minimum of 12 credits in their second year. The Department requires that students maintain an average of at least 75% in order to stay in the program.
In addition to these formal requirements, students are expected to develop proficiency in the use of statistical computing software, with R being particularly important.
To broaden their knowledge and experience in the discipline, students are expected to take advantage of other opportunities provided by departmental activities, such as the weekly seminars and other presentations.
Requirements for the MSc in Statistics
There are 4 key mandatory sequences of courses; most students would have some of these in their undergraduate program and thus need not re-take them. Other courses are taken for breadth.
STAT 404: design of experiments/analysis of variance, not listed explicitly as a program requirement, but it is corequisite for STAT 550
at least 3 credits from the following applied statistics courses: STAT 527 Analysis of Longitudinal Data, STAT 538 Generalized Linear Models, STAT 541 Multivariate Analysis, STAT 543 Time Series, STAT 545 Data Analysis (not all courses are offered each year)
STAT 550 Statistical Consulting I (3 credits)
STAT 551 Statistical Consulting II (3 credits) Co-op students are not required to take STAT 551.
STAT 560 Mathematical Statistics I (3 credits)
STAT 561 Mathematical Statistics II (3 credits)
advanced probability and stochastic processes: an advanced probability course recommended by the Graduate Program Advisor
Requirements for the MSc in Statistics (Biostatistics concentration)
STAT 404: design of experiments/analysis of variance, not listed explicitly as a program requirement, but it is corequisite for STAT 550
STAT 536 Design and Analysis of Clinical Studies (1-3 credits)
STAT 538 Generalized Linear Models (1-3 credits)
STAT 545 Data Analysis (1-3 credits)
STAT 550 Statistical Consulting I (3 credits)
STAT 560 Statistical Theory I (3 credits)
SPPH 502 Epidemiology I (3 credits)
SPPH 501 Analysis of Longitudinal Data from Epidemiological Studies (3 credits) or STAT 527 Topics in Biostatistics (1-6 credits)
Experience in collaborating with non-statisticians. The desired route is through sustained involvement with a health research team. The "fall-back" route is successful completion of the second course in statistical consulting, STAT 551, taken in the fall term of the second year of the MSc program. Students seeking to satisfy this requirement through the desired route (and thus be exempt from STAT 551) must submit evidence of their sustained involvement with a health research team at least one month before the start of the fall term of the 2nd year of their MSc program. Their application would be reviewed by their research supervisor and one other faculty member involved with the Biostatistics Program, who would submit a recommendation to the Graduate Program Director for a final decision.