Master of Social Work
持有本地或海外认可大学一等或二等荣誉学士学位。在社会科学学科接受过本科培训的申请人将获优先考虑。非荣誉学士学位的最低平均积点(GPA)应为 3.0(满分 4.0)。
毕业于非社会科学学位课程/对社会工作和社会福利没有基本认识的申请人,须在一年级第一学期修读资历架构第四级的非学分课程SW100 "社会工作和社会福利导论"。
非标准入学申请将按个别情况考虑。A bachelor’s degree with first or second-class honors from a recognized local or overseas university. Preference will be given to applicants who have attained undergraduate training in a social science discipline. The minimum GPA for a non-honors degree should be 3.0 out of 4.0.
Admission interviews will be conducted to select suitable applicants for the programme. The interviewers will evaluate the applicants in terms of their language fluency, presentation skills, attitude, knowledge of current affairs, and basic knowledge of social work.
Applicants who graduated from a non-social science degree programme/ without a basic understanding of social work and social welfare will be required to attend a non-credit course, SW100, “Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare” at QF Level 4 in 1st semester of Year-1.
Non-standard admission will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
毕业于非社会科学学位课程/对社会工作和社会福利没有基本认识的申请人,须在一年级第一学期修读资历架构第四级的非学分课程SW100 "社会工作和社会福利导论"。
非标准入学申请将按个别情况考虑。A bachelor’s degree with first or second-class honors from a recognized local or overseas university. Preference will be given to applicants who have attained undergraduate training in a social science discipline. The minimum GPA for a non-honors degree should be 3.0 out of 4.0.
Admission interviews will be conducted to select suitable applicants for the programme. The interviewers will evaluate the applicants in terms of their language fluency, presentation skills, attitude, knowledge of current affairs, and basic knowledge of social work.
Applicants who graduated from a non-social science degree programme/ without a basic understanding of social work and social welfare will be required to attend a non-credit course, SW100, “Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare” at QF Level 4 in 1st semester of Year-1.
Non-standard admission will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
1 - 人类多样性、行为和社会环境 - Human Diversity, Behaviour and Social Environment
2 - 社会工作实践中的跨专业合作 - Interprofessional Collaboration in Social Work Practice
3 - 机构、社区、利益相关者和系统参与--社会工作中观实践 - Agency, Community, Stakeholders, and Systems Engagement – Social Work Mezzo Practices
4 - 可持续发展与社会工作宏观实践 - Sustainable Development and Social Work Macro Practices
5 - 高级访谈技巧和模式--社会工作微观实践 - Advanced Interviewing Skills and Modalities – Social Work Micro Practices
6 - 社会福利和社会政策中的全球化和区域化 - Globalisation and Regionalisation in Social Welfare and Social Policy
7 - 社会工作中的法律与伦理 - Law and Ethics in Social Work
8 - 基于实践的研究、评价和社会影响评估 - Practice-based Research, Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
9 - 社会工作实践中的高级数字和技术应用 - Advanced Digital and Technological Applications in Social Work Practice
10 - 跨学科社会工作实践中的整合与巩固 I - Integration and Consolidation in Interdisciplinary Social Work Practice I
11 - 社会服务管理中的影响力创造与领导力 - Impact Creation and Leadership in Social Service Management
12 - 跨学科社会工作实践中的整合与巩固 II - Integration and Consolidation in Interdisciplinary Social Work Practice II
13 - 心理健康和福祉的高级干预 - Advanced Intervention in Mental Health and Wellness
14 - 危机与创伤管理 - Managing Crisis and Trauma
15 - 当代社会家庭和复杂问题的专业实践 - Professional Practice with Families and Complex Issues In Contemporary Society
16 - 公共卫生中的社会工作 - Social Work in Public Health
17 - 基于实践的研究项目 - Practice-based Research Project
18 - 实地实习 - Fieldwork Placements
2 - 社会工作实践中的跨专业合作 - Interprofessional Collaboration in Social Work Practice
3 - 机构、社区、利益相关者和系统参与--社会工作中观实践 - Agency, Community, Stakeholders, and Systems Engagement – Social Work Mezzo Practices
4 - 可持续发展与社会工作宏观实践 - Sustainable Development and Social Work Macro Practices
5 - 高级访谈技巧和模式--社会工作微观实践 - Advanced Interviewing Skills and Modalities – Social Work Micro Practices
6 - 社会福利和社会政策中的全球化和区域化 - Globalisation and Regionalisation in Social Welfare and Social Policy
7 - 社会工作中的法律与伦理 - Law and Ethics in Social Work
8 - 基于实践的研究、评价和社会影响评估 - Practice-based Research, Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
9 - 社会工作实践中的高级数字和技术应用 - Advanced Digital and Technological Applications in Social Work Practice
10 - 跨学科社会工作实践中的整合与巩固 I - Integration and Consolidation in Interdisciplinary Social Work Practice I
11 - 社会服务管理中的影响力创造与领导力 - Impact Creation and Leadership in Social Service Management
12 - 跨学科社会工作实践中的整合与巩固 II - Integration and Consolidation in Interdisciplinary Social Work Practice II
13 - 心理健康和福祉的高级干预 - Advanced Intervention in Mental Health and Wellness
14 - 危机与创伤管理 - Managing Crisis and Trauma
15 - 当代社会家庭和复杂问题的专业实践 - Professional Practice with Families and Complex Issues In Contemporary Society
16 - 公共卫生中的社会工作 - Social Work in Public Health
17 - 基于实践的研究项目 - Practice-based Research Project
18 - 实地实习 - Fieldwork Placements