Master of Arts in Chinese History and Culture(中文授课)
加分项An applicant may also be required to possess other knowledge or professional experience.
录取将按照大学硕士课程的录取要求进行。此外,硕士生必须拥有历史、文学、地理、教育、传播、社会学、中文或相关领域的学士学位。An applicant of a Master’s degree programme must possess a Bachelor’s degree or academic background recognized as equivalent by the University of Macau. An applicant may also be required to possess other knowledge or professional experience.
Admission will be in accordance with the University Admission Requirement for MA programmes. In addition, the MA students must have a BA degree in History, Literature, Geography, Education, Communication, Sociology, Chinese or a relevant field.
录取将按照大学硕士课程的录取要求进行。此外,硕士生必须拥有历史、文学、地理、教育、传播、社会学、中文或相关领域的学士学位。An applicant of a Master’s degree programme must possess a Bachelor’s degree or academic background recognized as equivalent by the University of Macau. An applicant may also be required to possess other knowledge or professional experience.
Admission will be in accordance with the University Admission Requirement for MA programmes. In addition, the MA students must have a BA degree in History, Literature, Geography, Education, Communication, Sociology, Chinese or a relevant field.
中国历史文化硕士课程的主要目标是专门为本地中小学教师服务,让他们主要通过密集讲座、互动课堂讨论和创造性演示,推进和更新他们对中国历史和文化的了解,提高他们欣赏和传播中华文明成果的能力, 加强学生自主学习和优秀教授中华历史文化的技能和基础,并通过学生在澳门青年群体中促进对中华文明的热爱和认同。
1 - 中国历史和文化简介 - Introduction of Chinese History and Culture
2 - 中国古典文学研讨会 - Seminar on Chinese Classics
3 - 中国古代思想史 - Ancient Chinese Intellectual History
4 - 传统中国的非物质文明和精神文明 - The Intangible and Spiritual Civilization of Traditional China
5 - 中国历史上的重大变革 - The Major Transformations in Chinese History
6 - 现代转型期的中国文学与文化 - Chinese Literature and Culture in Modern Transition
7 - 中国历史上的澳门 - Macao in Chinese History
8 - 教学法研讨会:中国历史、文化和语言教学的课程设计 - Pedagogical Seminar: Curricular Design on Teaching Chinese History, Culture and Language
9 - 中国语言专题 - Topics in Chinese Language
10 - 文学艺术所反映的中国历史 - Chinese History Reflected by Arts and Literature
11 - 项目报告 - Project Report
2 - 中国古典文学研讨会 - Seminar on Chinese Classics
3 - 中国古代思想史 - Ancient Chinese Intellectual History
4 - 传统中国的非物质文明和精神文明 - The Intangible and Spiritual Civilization of Traditional China
5 - 中国历史上的重大变革 - The Major Transformations in Chinese History
6 - 现代转型期的中国文学与文化 - Chinese Literature and Culture in Modern Transition
7 - 中国历史上的澳门 - Macao in Chinese History
8 - 教学法研讨会:中国历史、文化和语言教学的课程设计 - Pedagogical Seminar: Curricular Design on Teaching Chinese History, Culture and Language
9 - 中国语言专题 - Topics in Chinese Language
10 - 文学艺术所反映的中国历史 - Chinese History Reflected by Arts and Literature
11 - 项目报告 - Project Report