Master of Arts/Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Language and Literature
学生应该具备能听懂粤语口语的基本能力(因为一些必修课和选修课是用粤语授课)。A Bachelor's degree from a recognised institution.
Students should have some basic ability to understand spoken Cantonese (as some Compulsory Subjects and Electives are taught in Cantonese).
学生应该具备能听懂粤语口语的基本能力(因为一些必修课和选修课是用粤语授课)。A Bachelor's degree from a recognised institution.
Students should have some basic ability to understand spoken Cantonese (as some Compulsory Subjects and Electives are taught in Cantonese).
1 - 中文描述I:词和句子 - Description of Chinese I: Words and Sentences
2 - 中文简介II:声音和文字 - Description of Chinese II: Sounds and Script
3 - 中国文化和经典介绍 - Introduction to Chinese Culture and Classics
4 - 文学理论与中国现代文学 - Literary Theory and Modern Chinese Literature
5 - 古典文学读本 - Readings of Classical Literature
6 - 中小学华文教育 - Chinese Language Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
7 - 汉语词汇语义学和语料库语言学 - Chinese Lexical Semantics and Corpus Linguistics
8 - 对比分析 - Contrastive Analysis
9 - 数字媒体传播 - Digital Media Communication
10 - 实验语音学 - Experimental Phonetics
11 - 教育语言学简介 - Introduction to Educational Linguistics
12 - 广东话研究简介 - Introduction to Cantonese Studies
13 - 中国语言测试简介 - Introduction to Chinese Language Testing
14 - 社会中的语言 - Language in Society
15 - 语言专业人员和翻译人员的多媒体应用 - Multimedia Applications for Language Professionals and Translators
16 - 神经语言学 - Neurolinguistics
17 - 心理语言学 - Psycholinguistics
18 - 语言教学和语言研究的研究方法 - Research Methods in Language Teaching and Language Studies
19 - 第二语言习得和外语学习 - Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning
20 - 语义学和语用学 - Semantics and Pragmatics
21 - 手语和语言学 - Sign Language and Linguistics
22 - 与认知、身体和感官障碍相关的特殊教育需求 - Special Education Needs Associated with Cognitive, Physical and Sensory Disorders
23 - 口语、听力、阅读和写作方面的特殊教育需求 - Special Education Needs in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
24 - 语言研究中的统计方法 - Statistical Methods in Language Research
25 - 非母语人士的汉语语法教学 - Teaching Chinese Grammar to Non-native Speakers
26 - 非母语人士的汉字和词语教学 - Teaching of Chinese Characters and Words to Non-native Learners
27 - 汉语的教学:听和说 - Teaching of Chinese: Listening and Speaking
28 - 香港校本中文课程的发展与实施 - The Development and Implementation of School-Based Chinese Language Curriculum in Hong Kong
29 - 中国戏曲与文学 - Chinese Opera and Literature
30 - 从文学看当代中国社会 - Contemporary Chinese Society through Literature
31 - 明清时代的小说 - Fiction in the Ming and Qing Era
32 - 香港文学 - Hong Kong Literature
33 - 唐宋诗词 - Poetry of the Tang and Song Era
34 - 唐宋八大家:选读 - Selected Readings of Eight Writers of the Tang and Song Era
35 - 白话小说选读 - Selected Readings of Vernacular Fiction
36 - MACLL学位论文 - MACLL Dissertation
2 - 中文简介II:声音和文字 - Description of Chinese II: Sounds and Script
3 - 中国文化和经典介绍 - Introduction to Chinese Culture and Classics
4 - 文学理论与中国现代文学 - Literary Theory and Modern Chinese Literature
5 - 古典文学读本 - Readings of Classical Literature
6 - 中小学华文教育 - Chinese Language Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
7 - 汉语词汇语义学和语料库语言学 - Chinese Lexical Semantics and Corpus Linguistics
8 - 对比分析 - Contrastive Analysis
9 - 数字媒体传播 - Digital Media Communication
10 - 实验语音学 - Experimental Phonetics
11 - 教育语言学简介 - Introduction to Educational Linguistics
12 - 广东话研究简介 - Introduction to Cantonese Studies
13 - 中国语言测试简介 - Introduction to Chinese Language Testing
14 - 社会中的语言 - Language in Society
15 - 语言专业人员和翻译人员的多媒体应用 - Multimedia Applications for Language Professionals and Translators
16 - 神经语言学 - Neurolinguistics
17 - 心理语言学 - Psycholinguistics
18 - 语言教学和语言研究的研究方法 - Research Methods in Language Teaching and Language Studies
19 - 第二语言习得和外语学习 - Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning
20 - 语义学和语用学 - Semantics and Pragmatics
21 - 手语和语言学 - Sign Language and Linguistics
22 - 与认知、身体和感官障碍相关的特殊教育需求 - Special Education Needs Associated with Cognitive, Physical and Sensory Disorders
23 - 口语、听力、阅读和写作方面的特殊教育需求 - Special Education Needs in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
24 - 语言研究中的统计方法 - Statistical Methods in Language Research
25 - 非母语人士的汉语语法教学 - Teaching Chinese Grammar to Non-native Speakers
26 - 非母语人士的汉字和词语教学 - Teaching of Chinese Characters and Words to Non-native Learners
27 - 汉语的教学:听和说 - Teaching of Chinese: Listening and Speaking
28 - 香港校本中文课程的发展与实施 - The Development and Implementation of School-Based Chinese Language Curriculum in Hong Kong
29 - 中国戏曲与文学 - Chinese Opera and Literature
30 - 从文学看当代中国社会 - Contemporary Chinese Society through Literature
31 - 明清时代的小说 - Fiction in the Ming and Qing Era
32 - 香港文学 - Hong Kong Literature
33 - 唐宋诗词 - Poetry of the Tang and Song Era
34 - 唐宋八大家:选读 - Selected Readings of Eight Writers of the Tang and Song Era
35 - 白话小说选读 - Selected Readings of Vernacular Fiction
36 - MACLL学位论文 - MACLL Dissertation