MSSc in Social Work
毕业于公认的大学,并获得任何学科的学士学位,通常荣誉成绩不低于二等或平均成绩不低于 "B";或
完成高等教育机构的课程,并获得相当于学士学位的专业或类似资格。graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in any disciplines, normally with honours not lower than Second Class or achieving an average grade of not lower than "B"; or
completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.
完成高等教育机构的课程,并获得相当于学士学位的专业或类似资格。graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in any disciplines, normally with honours not lower than Second Class or achieving an average grade of not lower than "B"; or
completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.
1 - 心理健康和精神障碍 - Mental Health and Mental Disorders
2 - 社会福利和社会政策 - Social Welfare and Social Policy
3 - 社会工作实践中的专业价值和法律知识 - Professional Values and Legal Knowledge in Social Work Practice
4 - 人类行为与社会环境 - Human Behaviour and the Social Environment
5 - 综合社会工作实务I - Integrated Social Work Practice I
6 - 综合社会工作实务Il - Integrated Social Work Practice Il
7 - 综合社会工作实务III - Integrated Social Work Practice III
8 - 社会工作现场实验 - Social Work Field Laboratory
9 - 实地教学I - Field Instruction I
10 - 实地教学II - Field Instruction II
11 - 社会服务规划、项目开发与评估 - Social Service Planning, Programme Development and Evaluation
12 - 社会工作研究 - Social Work Research
13 - 社会政策基础理论 - Fundamental Theories of Social Policy
14 - 中国的社会政策和社会福利 - Social Policy and Social Welfare in China
15 - 社会理论、社会福利和社会工作 - Social Theories, Social Welfare and Social Work
16 - 社会创新和社会工作创新实践 - Social Innovation and Innovative Practice for Social Work
17 - 课程评估 - Programme Evaluation
18 - 香港和东亚的社会政策和社会福利 - Social Policy and Social Welfare in Hong Kong and East Asia
19 - 社会服务机构的组织理论 - Organizational Theories for Social Service Agencies
20 - 宏观社会工作实践: 策略规划 - Macro Social Work Practice: Strategic Planning
21 - 社会服务中的人力资源开发 - Human Resource Development in Social Services
22 - 社会企业 - Social Enterprise
23 - 专题研讨会: 专题 (I) 21 世纪的健康老龄化 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (I) Aging Well in the 21st Century
24 - 精选专题讲座: 专题研讨会:专题(I) 预防暴力的社会政策方法 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (I) Social Policy Approaches to
25 - 预防暴力的社会政策方法 - Violence Prevention
26 - 社会政策研究 II - Social Policy Research II
27 - SOWK 6080 - SOWK 6080
28 - 社会工作和社会福利应用统计学 - Applied Statistics for Social Work and Social Welfare
29 - SOWK 6090,社会服务的数字化转型 - SOWK 6090,
30 - 社会服务的数字化转型 - Digital Transformation in Social Services
31 - SOWK6210A - SOWK6210A
32 - 专题研讨会: 专题 (1) 婚姻与家庭治疗的高级方法 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (1) Advanced Approaches to
33 - 婚姻和家庭治疗的高级方法 - Marriage and Family Therapy
34 - 选定主题研讨会: 结构家庭治疗 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Structural Family Therapy
35 - 选定主题研讨会: 婚姻治疗 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Marital Therapy
36 - 选定主题研讨会: 专题 (II) 儿童福利与社会工作 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Child Welfare and Social Work
37 - 精选专题讲座:专题 (II) 专题讲座:专题(II) 临床社会工作与卫生保健 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Clinical Social Work and
38 - 医疗保健 - Health Care
39 - 精选专题讲座: 专题讲座:专题 (II) 艺术为本的社会工作 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Arts-based Social Work
40 - 实践 - Practice
41 - 青年文化与青年工作 - Youth Culture and Youth Work
42 - 家庭干预 - Family Intervention
43 - 残疾人社会工作 - Social Work with People with Disabilities
44 - 信息技术在社会服务中的应用 - Use of Information Technology in Social Services
45 - 社会服务机构的预算和财务规划 - Budgeting and Financial Planning in Social Service Organizations
2 - 社会福利和社会政策 - Social Welfare and Social Policy
3 - 社会工作实践中的专业价值和法律知识 - Professional Values and Legal Knowledge in Social Work Practice
4 - 人类行为与社会环境 - Human Behaviour and the Social Environment
5 - 综合社会工作实务I - Integrated Social Work Practice I
6 - 综合社会工作实务Il - Integrated Social Work Practice Il
7 - 综合社会工作实务III - Integrated Social Work Practice III
8 - 社会工作现场实验 - Social Work Field Laboratory
9 - 实地教学I - Field Instruction I
10 - 实地教学II - Field Instruction II
11 - 社会服务规划、项目开发与评估 - Social Service Planning, Programme Development and Evaluation
12 - 社会工作研究 - Social Work Research
13 - 社会政策基础理论 - Fundamental Theories of Social Policy
14 - 中国的社会政策和社会福利 - Social Policy and Social Welfare in China
15 - 社会理论、社会福利和社会工作 - Social Theories, Social Welfare and Social Work
16 - 社会创新和社会工作创新实践 - Social Innovation and Innovative Practice for Social Work
17 - 课程评估 - Programme Evaluation
18 - 香港和东亚的社会政策和社会福利 - Social Policy and Social Welfare in Hong Kong and East Asia
19 - 社会服务机构的组织理论 - Organizational Theories for Social Service Agencies
20 - 宏观社会工作实践: 策略规划 - Macro Social Work Practice: Strategic Planning
21 - 社会服务中的人力资源开发 - Human Resource Development in Social Services
22 - 社会企业 - Social Enterprise
23 - 专题研讨会: 专题 (I) 21 世纪的健康老龄化 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (I) Aging Well in the 21st Century
24 - 精选专题讲座: 专题研讨会:专题(I) 预防暴力的社会政策方法 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (I) Social Policy Approaches to
25 - 预防暴力的社会政策方法 - Violence Prevention
26 - 社会政策研究 II - Social Policy Research II
27 - SOWK 6080 - SOWK 6080
28 - 社会工作和社会福利应用统计学 - Applied Statistics for Social Work and Social Welfare
29 - SOWK 6090,社会服务的数字化转型 - SOWK 6090,
30 - 社会服务的数字化转型 - Digital Transformation in Social Services
31 - SOWK6210A - SOWK6210A
32 - 专题研讨会: 专题 (1) 婚姻与家庭治疗的高级方法 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (1) Advanced Approaches to
33 - 婚姻和家庭治疗的高级方法 - Marriage and Family Therapy
34 - 选定主题研讨会: 结构家庭治疗 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Structural Family Therapy
35 - 选定主题研讨会: 婚姻治疗 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Marital Therapy
36 - 选定主题研讨会: 专题 (II) 儿童福利与社会工作 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Child Welfare and Social Work
37 - 精选专题讲座:专题 (II) 专题讲座:专题(II) 临床社会工作与卫生保健 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Clinical Social Work and
38 - 医疗保健 - Health Care
39 - 精选专题讲座: 专题讲座:专题 (II) 艺术为本的社会工作 - Seminar on Selected Topics: Special Topics (II) Arts-based Social Work
40 - 实践 - Practice
41 - 青年文化与青年工作 - Youth Culture and Youth Work
42 - 家庭干预 - Family Intervention
43 - 残疾人社会工作 - Social Work with People with Disabilities
44 - 信息技术在社会服务中的应用 - Use of Information Technology in Social Services
45 - 社会服务机构的预算和财务规划 - Budgeting and Financial Planning in Social Service Organizations