Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
6.00 L:5.50 R:5.50 S:5.50
具备线性代数、微积分、概率论、统计学入门和计算机编程方面的知识hold a Bachelor's degree with Honours of this University, or another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another University or comparable institution acceptable for this purpose;
possess knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, introductory statistics and computer programming
具备线性代数、微积分、概率论、统计学入门和计算机编程方面的知识hold a Bachelor's degree with Honours of this University, or another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another University or comparable institution acceptable for this purpose;
possess knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, introductory statistics and computer programming
1 - 人工智能基础 - Foundations of artificial intelligence
2 - 人工智能中的优化 - Optimization in artificial intelligence
3 - 人工智能中的数值方法 - Numerical methods in artificial intelligence
4 - 人工智能中的统计 - Statistics in artificial intelligence
5 - 应用数据挖掘和文本分析 - Applied data mining and text analytics
6 - 计算智能与机器学习 - Computational intelligence and machine learning
7 - 深度学习 - Deep learning
8 - 高级数值分析专题 - Topics in advanced numerical analysis
9 - 人工智能与机器学习专题 - Topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning
10 - 高级概率论专题 - Topics in advanced probability theory
11 - 应用离散数学专题 - Topics in applied discrete mathematics
12 - 高级优化专题 - Topics in advanced optimization
13 - 计算统计和贝叶斯学习 - Computational statistics and Bayesian learning
14 - 数据科学编程 - Programming for data science
15 - 量化策略和算法交易 - Quantitative strategies and algorithmic trading
16 - 大数据分析 - Big data analytics
17 - 无人驾驶系统介绍 - Introduction to unmanned systems
18 - 量子计算与人工智能 - Quantum computing and artificial intelligence
19 - 交易和金融中的机器学习 - Machine learning in trading and finance
20 - 图像处理和计算机视觉 - Image processing and computer vision
21 - 人工智能和数据科学中的法律问题 - Legal issues in artificial intelligence and data science
22 - 人工智能项目 - Artificial intelligence project
2 - 人工智能中的优化 - Optimization in artificial intelligence
3 - 人工智能中的数值方法 - Numerical methods in artificial intelligence
4 - 人工智能中的统计 - Statistics in artificial intelligence
5 - 应用数据挖掘和文本分析 - Applied data mining and text analytics
6 - 计算智能与机器学习 - Computational intelligence and machine learning
7 - 深度学习 - Deep learning
8 - 高级数值分析专题 - Topics in advanced numerical analysis
9 - 人工智能与机器学习专题 - Topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning
10 - 高级概率论专题 - Topics in advanced probability theory
11 - 应用离散数学专题 - Topics in applied discrete mathematics
12 - 高级优化专题 - Topics in advanced optimization
13 - 计算统计和贝叶斯学习 - Computational statistics and Bayesian learning
14 - 数据科学编程 - Programming for data science
15 - 量化策略和算法交易 - Quantitative strategies and algorithmic trading
16 - 大数据分析 - Big data analytics
17 - 无人驾驶系统介绍 - Introduction to unmanned systems
18 - 量子计算与人工智能 - Quantum computing and artificial intelligence
19 - 交易和金融中的机器学习 - Machine learning in trading and finance
20 - 图像处理和计算机视觉 - Image processing and computer vision
21 - 人工智能和数据科学中的法律问题 - Legal issues in artificial intelligence and data science
22 - 人工智能项目 - Artificial intelligence project