Master of Public Health
6.00 L:5.50 R:5.50 S:5.50
如有需要,在资格考试中满足考官的要求hold a Bachelor’s degree with honours or the degrees of MBBS of this University, or another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another University or comparable institution accepted for this purpose
satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination, if required
如有需要,在资格考试中满足考官的要求hold a Bachelor’s degree with honours or the degrees of MBBS of this University, or another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another University or comparable institution accepted for this purpose
satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination, if required
1 - 生物统计学入门 - Introduction to biostatistics
2 - 流行病学入门 - Introduction to epidemiology
3 - 公共卫生原理 - Principles of public health
4 - 健康行为与沟通 - Health behaviour and communication
5 - 卫生领导与管理 - Health leadership and management
6 - 卫生政策与政治 - Health policy and politics
7 - 新发传染病与 "一体健康 - Emerging infectious diseases and "one health"
8 - 流行病和地方病 - Epidemics and endemic diseases
9 - 现场流行病学 - Field epidemiology
10 - 传染病流行病学。 - Infectious disease epidemiology.
11 - 公共卫生中的传染病 - Infectious diseases in public health
12 - 风险:认知、决策和沟通 - Risk: perception, decisions and communication
13 - 高级流行病学方法 - Advanced epidemiological methods |
14 - 高级统计方法 I - Advanced statistical methods I
15 - 高级统计方法 II - Advanced statistical methods Il
16 - 中级流行病学 - Intermediate epidemiology
17 - 非传染性疾病流行病学与控制 - Non-communicable disease epidemiology and control
18 - 医疗保健中的会计和财务管理 - Accounting and financial management in health care
19 - 卫生经济学 - Health economics
20 - 公共卫生经济评估 - Economic evaluation for public health
21 - 医疗保健管理视角 - Perspectives in health care management
22 - 卫生资源 - Resources for health
23 - 医疗保健战略 - Strategies in health care
24 - 环境健康危害与干预 - Environmental health hazards and interventions
25 - 健康与社会 - Health and society
26 - 人类健康:全球化世界的未来 - Human health: futures in a globalized world
27 - 个性化公共卫生 - Personalised public health
28 - 公共卫生实践 - The practice of public health
29 - 顶点课程 - Capstone
30 - 实习 - Practicum
2 - 流行病学入门 - Introduction to epidemiology
3 - 公共卫生原理 - Principles of public health
4 - 健康行为与沟通 - Health behaviour and communication
5 - 卫生领导与管理 - Health leadership and management
6 - 卫生政策与政治 - Health policy and politics
7 - 新发传染病与 "一体健康 - Emerging infectious diseases and "one health"
8 - 流行病和地方病 - Epidemics and endemic diseases
9 - 现场流行病学 - Field epidemiology
10 - 传染病流行病学。 - Infectious disease epidemiology.
11 - 公共卫生中的传染病 - Infectious diseases in public health
12 - 风险:认知、决策和沟通 - Risk: perception, decisions and communication
13 - 高级流行病学方法 - Advanced epidemiological methods |
14 - 高级统计方法 I - Advanced statistical methods I
15 - 高级统计方法 II - Advanced statistical methods Il
16 - 中级流行病学 - Intermediate epidemiology
17 - 非传染性疾病流行病学与控制 - Non-communicable disease epidemiology and control
18 - 医疗保健中的会计和财务管理 - Accounting and financial management in health care
19 - 卫生经济学 - Health economics
20 - 公共卫生经济评估 - Economic evaluation for public health
21 - 医疗保健管理视角 - Perspectives in health care management
22 - 卫生资源 - Resources for health
23 - 医疗保健战略 - Strategies in health care
24 - 环境健康危害与干预 - Environmental health hazards and interventions
25 - 健康与社会 - Health and society
26 - 人类健康:全球化世界的未来 - Human health: futures in a globalized world
27 - 个性化公共卫生 - Personalised public health
28 - 公共卫生实践 - The practice of public health
29 - 顶点课程 - Capstone
30 - 实习 - Practicum