Masters in Business Analytics


UIUC Gies College of Business



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托福/GRE Code




The Graduate College and the academic program require 4 essays below to be submitted within your application:

Academic Statement of Purpose (300-500 words TOTAL): Please write a statement that answers the following questions :

How has your academic and professional background, including any professional training, prepared you for graduate study?
How will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals?
What are your academic interests, and why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in this specific program?
Short Personal Statements 1 & 2 (250 words max EACH):

1. Please describe any experiences and/or challenges that may have shaped your intellectual and personal development.

2. Provide insight into your potential to contribute to a community of inclusion, belonging, and respect in which scholars with diverse perspectives, abilities, and experiences can learn and collaborate productively and positively.

Program essay (250 words max):

MSBA: Please share an example of how you have used analytics tools at work or in class projects.

There is extra space for you to touch upon additional topics you would like to address in your application. Please note that submitting an optional essay itself does not give you advantages in the evaluation process.

1. Strongly recommended for applicants with a lower than 3.0 GPA (250 words max): Please address any concerns you may have in your application. If, for example, you do not believe that your academic credentials demonstrate your true capabilities, please explain why. Also, describe any gaps in your academic career and work experience or any extenuating circumstances in your profile of which the admissions committee should be made aware.

2. If there is something that you would like to highlight that you have yet to discuss in other areas of the application, please do so here (250 words max).