MS in Mechanical Engineering
托福/GRE Code
1631Department Code
80.00 L:14.00 R:19.00 S:18.00
1. Diversity Essay (optional)
500 words or less (recommended)
Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.
2。A statement of approximately 500 words is encouraged concerning your interest in undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your professional plans, career goals, and research interests. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your special abilities, awards, achievements, scholarly publications, and/or professional history. The graduate program to which you are applying may have additional requirements.
500 words or less (recommended)
Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.
2。A statement of approximately 500 words is encouraged concerning your interest in undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue, and your professional plans, career goals, and research interests. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your special abilities, awards, achievements, scholarly publications, and/or professional history. The graduate program to which you are applying may have additional requirements.
Resume + PS+ Transcript+3 Recommendations +GRE+ TOEFL/IELTS
如果研究生的话,ME比较顶尖的方向是Heat Transfer和Nanotechnology,特别是两者结合的 Nano fluid,Nano heat transfer算比较强,
实验室的话就是Birck了,除此之外Conbustion也不错。Fluid 也是不错,比较强的实验室有MAHA fluid。Control方向不算强(相比于其他),而且比较偏向于Inkjet printing,而且偏材料偏Nano,除此之外还有两个教授做飞行器,一个教授做3D,一个教授做汽车电子。做制造的,有几个做激光的教授。如果想做传热或者纳米的研究,这里最适合你。想做Control,这里也并不是无路可走。可以给感兴趣的实验室里的学长们发几封 cold email 问一下情况。
实验室的话就是Birck了,除此之外Conbustion也不错。Fluid 也是不错,比较强的实验室有MAHA fluid。Control方向不算强(相比于其他),而且比较偏向于Inkjet printing,而且偏材料偏Nano,除此之外还有两个教授做飞行器,一个教授做3D,一个教授做汽车电子。做制造的,有几个做激光的教授。如果想做传热或者纳米的研究,这里最适合你。想做Control,这里也并不是无路可走。可以给感兴趣的实验室里的学长们发几封 cold email 问一下情况。
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)
Students who are admitted to the Master’s program may choose to complete either the thesis option or the non-thesis option.
Thesis Option. The thesis option is highly recommended because it includes conducting independent research and a publishable report or thesis. Outstanding performance in the thesis option Master’s provides students with a distinct advantage when applying for a Ph.D. program or employment. Admission to the Ph.D. requires that the student provide evidence of the ability to perform independent research.
The thesis option requires a minimum of 21 graduate semester hours of course work and a thesis. research credits acquired through the thesis research registration of ME 698 to fulfill the remainder of the requirement for a total of 30 credit hours. Research is always completed under the supervision of the Chair (Major Professor) or Co-Chairs of the Advisory Committee. Only in special cases is this option available to distance education students.
All Master’s Plans of Study must contain a minimum of six (6) hours of applied mathematics; at least three (3) of which must be taken from the Mathematics Department.
Non-thesis Option
The non-thesis option also requires 30 semester hours of graduate course work, not more than 6 credits of which may be completed as independent project work (ME 597 or ME 697). Independent project work may be completed under the supervision of the Chair of the Advisory Committee (Major Professor) or any other member of the faculty, including members of the Advisory Committee. The more predictable time frame for completion of course work available through the non-thesis option allows students to more accurately plan a graduation date. Students completing the Master’s degree by distance education will, in general, be completing the non-thesis option.
All Master’s Plans of Study must contain a minimum of six (6) hours of applied mathematics; at least three (3) of which must be taken from the Mathematics Department.