Master of Internetworking
2 years申请截止日期
GRE not required
The MSc in Internetworking program is a two year degree program that offers a theoretical and practical grounding in the principles of data communications and Internetworking. The degree is designed for individuals seeking to develop their understanding of the principles and practice of Internetworking, and to develop their ability to manage technical projects and / or companies operating in this area.
Course work consists of core courses plus options covering protocols and protocol suites, application programming, modelling and simulation, security, etc., a laboratory course to integrate the course material, and a final project to demonstrate the use of skills in these areas.
Master of Science (Internetworking)
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 units in graduate-level coursework, including a 6-unit capping project.
Coursework (24 units)
Lectures for each course are held every second weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM to 5 PM. Exceptions may be made based on instructor availability in any given term.
The lab course MINT 708 runs during the Fall term and requires attendance in a one-hour class three days a week.
MINT 700 - The Physical Layer
MINT 702 - Data Communication Protocols
MINT 704 - The Internet Protocol Suite
MINT 706 - Internet Application and Programming
MINT 708 - Internet Laboratory
Three 3-unit MINT elective courses chosen from the following:
MINT 712 - Internet Security
MINT 715 - Advanced Routing and Network Management
MINT 717 - Internet Project Management
MINT 718 - Optical Network Engineering
MINT 719 - Special Topics in Internet Technology
MINT 720 - VoIP and MPLS Network
Additional optional graduate-level courses may be taken from outside the MINT program:
Optional courses must be approved by the Department of Internetworking.
Optional courses cannot take the place of any of the six MINT core courses or three required electives. They may, however, be used to strengthen technical foundations or pursue other areas of interest.
Any optional courses taken outside of the MINT program will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
Capping Project (6 units)
MINT 709 - Internet Project
Approval of the project proposal is required before registration in this course is permitted.
The MSc in Internetworking program is a two year degree program that offers a theoretical and practical grounding in the principles of data communications and Internetworking. The degree is designed for individuals seeking to develop their understanding of the principles and practice of Internetworking, and to develop their ability to manage technical projects and / or companies operating in this area.
Course work consists of core courses plus options covering protocols and protocol suites, application programming, modelling and simulation, security, etc., a laboratory course to integrate the course material, and a final project to demonstrate the use of skills in these areas.
Master of Science (Internetworking)
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 units in graduate-level coursework, including a 6-unit capping project.
Coursework (24 units)
Lectures for each course are held every second weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM to 5 PM. Exceptions may be made based on instructor availability in any given term.
The lab course MINT 708 runs during the Fall term and requires attendance in a one-hour class three days a week.
MINT 700 - The Physical Layer
MINT 702 - Data Communication Protocols
MINT 704 - The Internet Protocol Suite
MINT 706 - Internet Application and Programming
MINT 708 - Internet Laboratory
Three 3-unit MINT elective courses chosen from the following:
MINT 712 - Internet Security
MINT 715 - Advanced Routing and Network Management
MINT 717 - Internet Project Management
MINT 718 - Optical Network Engineering
MINT 719 - Special Topics in Internet Technology
MINT 720 - VoIP and MPLS Network
Additional optional graduate-level courses may be taken from outside the MINT program:
Optional courses must be approved by the Department of Internetworking.
Optional courses cannot take the place of any of the six MINT core courses or three required electives. They may, however, be used to strengthen technical foundations or pursue other areas of interest.
Any optional courses taken outside of the MINT program will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
Capping Project (6 units)
MINT 709 - Internet Project
Approval of the project proposal is required before registration in this course is permitted.