Master of Business, Entrepreneurship andTechnology (MBA)


Waterloo Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business


12 months


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1 year


A minimum of one year of full-time work experience obtained either through co-operative work terms as part of an undergraduate academic program or through post-graduate work experience.
On average, MBET students (both in the full-time and part-time options) have approximately five years of work experience. You will need to provide a copy of your résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV) for your online application.


GPA: If you completed an honours degree at a Canadian institution, you're required to have a minimum overall average of 75% (or equivalent) over 4 years or a minimum overall average of 75% (or equivalent) over the last 2 years for admission.
Only qualified applicants who meet or exceed all the admissions requirements will be invited to participate in a video interview.
Video interview questions are designed to better understand applicants abilities, attitudes and aspirations as they relate to the following domains:
Career fit
Opportunity identification
Entrepreneurial action
Video interviews are the last stage of the application process and are reviewed by the MBET program director who makes all final admission decisions.




In the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program, students learn inside and outside of the classroom. Networking, practical experience, and hands-on learning with like-minded people in the Waterloo entrepreneurship community that complement the core master's-level courses inside the classroom.
Students are immersed in an experiential learning environment. Through the program, students are focused on the commercialization of their ideas to build a venture. Students will also explore creating new ventures within an existing organization in a corporate innovation project, and will also collaborate with early-stage technology startups to validate their business model.

The MBET is a graduate entrepreneurship masters program that combines interdisciplinary courses with practical experiences in venture creation and commercialization, offered in 2 formats: the full-time program which is completed in one year and the part-time program which is currently completed in three years .

In the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program, ten courses are integrated to correspond to the entrepreneurial process. Each course draws from the theory of a specific discipline while emphasizing the application of business concepts to issues facing innovative and rapidly changing organizations. Entrepreneurial experiences are embedded in the MBET curriculum through several practical components which provide context and hands-on application for classroom learning.

Master core entrepreneurial business skills

BET 600 | BET 601 | BET 602 | BET 605

BET 600 Applied Business Leadership Skills for Entrepreneurs
Success in any entrepreneurial venture or undertaking is likely to hinge on the successful deployment of so-called “soft-skills” on a continuous and ongoing basis. This course takes a data-driven approach to the development of such skills. While there are worthy, well-researched principles of effective leadership—and we will cover them—effective leadership depends, too, on an interacting set of related activities that are often sub-optimally engaged. Decision-making, team process, communication, negotiation, conflict management, and managerial coaching are just a few. This course relies on a highly interactive approach that makes generous use of discussion, lectures, and simulation experiences to learn best practices in all these domains.

Those who successfully complete this course should emerge with clear and practical frameworks for reflection, planning, and execution in most business activities that involve interactions among people. However, this is a graduate-level study, so success will also rely on grappling with and applying the research and theories that undergird those frameworks. Knowledge of frameworks divorced from theory can lead to brittle and fragile execution; understanding the theory that underlies those same frameworks builds greater resilience, flexibility, and nimbleness in an entrepreneurial leader.

BET 601 Strategically Managing the Entrepreneurial Organization
Strategy development and implementation are examined as a means to guide decisions at each stage of the innovation and commercialization process. Insight is gained into the strategic issues faced by new ventures as they progress from seed/concept through market execution stages. Strategic analysis techniques are used to identify and analyse issues and as input into the design of the business concept and business model. The organizational structures, processes and policies used to build and maintain an entrepreneurial culture are key topics for the market execution stage.

BET 602 Marketing Strategies for New Technology-based Ventures
Market-based management practices and the key relationships that enable businesses to attract, satisfy and retain customers, and grow profits are examined. The contribution of marketing strategy to the creation of value for both customers and shareholders is emphasized. Particular attention is paid to the unique contexts of marketing knowledge-intensive products and services, new and rapidly growing markets and business markets. Familiarity is developed with the marketing activities typical for each of the seed/concept, product development and market execution stages of a new venture.

BET 605 Essential Accounting for Entrepreneurs
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to how accounting information can be used by entrepreneurs and enterprise intrapreneurs to manage an enterprise, improve decision making, and implement organizational strategy as the venture proceeds from start-up to SME to maturity. The course is split into two parts: Financial accounting (external use of financial information) and Management Accounting (the internal use of financial information).