ScM in Electrical and Computer Engineering
3 semesters(non-thesis选项); 4 semesters(thesis选项 & Professional Option)学费估算
2024/4/1;2024/5/1(5th year) -
托福/GRE Code
GRE not required(code 3094)申请费
1000-1500 word personal statement that gives your reasons to pursue graduate work in the feld ofyour study, The statement should include examples of your past work in your chosen feld, your plansfor study at Brown, issues and problems you'd like to address in your field and your professional goals.
没有提及,偏好有相关背景的学生(engineering or science undergraduate background includes applied mathematics and computer science)
电气和计算机工程ECE 分为: 固态和量子电子学(SSQE), 计算机工程 两个小方向
固态和量子电子学: 包括实验激光科学、半导体、光电子、凝聚态物理、纳米科学与技术、生物光子学和生物工程。
固态和量子电子学: 包括实验激光科学、半导体、光电子、凝聚态物理、纳米科学与技术、生物光子学和生物工程。
Program 分Thesis & Non-Thesis & Professional Option
MASTER OF SCIENCE-NON-THESIS OPTIONStudents take a total of eight courses to satisfy the degree requirements. Students are expected to complete the Master ofScience - Non-Thesis program option in three semesters, taking three courses in the first and second semesters, and twocourses in the third semester.
Students take a total of eight courses, including independent reading and research courses. Students are expected to completethe Master of Science - Thesis program option in four semesters, taking three courses in the first semester, two in the secondand third semesters, and one in the fourth semester. Students can switch between degree options during the program forgreater flexibility. Students interested in pursuing the Thesis option usually identify a faculty advisor during their first orsecond semester at Brown.
MASTER OF SCIENCE-PROFESSIONAL OPTIONIn addition to the course requirements, a paid or unpaid experiential learning experience of 3-6 months is a requiredcomponent of the professional track program. Experiential learning can include a summer internship or completion ofENGN 2960 (Experiential Learning in Industry (ELl)) as an elective course. Assistance in obtaining internships will beprovided by the School of Engineering and Career Services and Professional Development in the School of ProfessionalStudies.
具体研究方向分两个小方向: 固态和量子电子学(SSQE) & 计算机工程
8 semester courses;
对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(论文选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 2-2-2-2,即学生每学期学习两门课程。但是,该课程强烈建议采用 3-2-2-1 的顺序,即学生第一学期学习 3 门课程,第二学期学习 2 门课程,第三学期学习 2 门课程,第四学期学习 1 门课程。
Non-thesis: 必须完成以工程或工程科学为基础的连贯学习计划,包括八门研究生或高级课程
对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(非论文选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 3-3-2,这意味着学生第一学期修 3 门课程,第二学期修 3 门课程,第三学期修 2 门课程
Professional Option: 完成以工程或工程科学为基础的连贯学习计划,包括八门研究生或高级课程。3-6 个月的带薪或无薪体验式学习经历是专业课程的必修组成部分。对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(专业选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 3-2-1-2,这意味着学生第一学期修 3 门课程,第二学期修 2 门,第三学期修 1 门课程(通常为 ENGN 2960),第四学期修 2 门课程
Engineering courses:
ENGN 2010 Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics I
ENGN 2020 Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics II
ENGN 2912B Scientific Programming in C++
ENGN 2912V Deep Learning for Scientists and Engineers
ENGN 2520 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
ENGN 2605 Image Understanding
ENGN 2560 Computer Vision
ENGN 1630 Digital Electronics Systems Design
ENGN 2912K Mixed-Signal Electronic Design
ENGN 1640 Design of Computing Systems
ENGN 2530 Digital Signal Processing
ENGN 1650 Embedded Microprocessor Design
ENGN 2590 Semiconductor Devices
ENGN 1620 Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits
ENGN 2912U Coordinated Mobile Robotics
ENGN 2790 Quantum Optics
ENGN 2150 Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization
ENGN 1220 Neuroengineering
ENGN 2501 Digital Geometry Processing
ENGN 1931Y Control Systems Engineering
ENGN 2920F Sensors and Actuators
ENGN 1570 Linear Systems
ENGN 2920H Materials and Interfaces for Energy Storage Devices
ENGN 2912P Topics in Optimization
ENGN 1930B Biomedical Optics
ENGN 1730 Lasers and Nonlinear Optics
ENGN 1932M Foundations ofInternet Communication Systems
ENGN 1590 Introduction to Semiconductor Electronics
ENGN 2912R Implantable Devices
ENGN 2625 Optical Microscopy: Fundamentals and Applications
Applied math courses:
APMA 2822B Introduction to Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous (CPU+GPU) Systems
APMA 2630 Theory of Probability I
APMA 2640 Theory of Probability II
APMMA 1690 Computational Probability and Statistics
APMA 1170 Introduction to Computational Linear Algebra
APMA 1720 Monte Carlo Simulation with Applications to Finance
APMA 2822 High-Performance Computing
APMA 1650 Statistical Inference I
APMA 1660 Statistical Inference II
APMA 1930P Mathematics and the Climate
Computer Science courses:
CSCI 2230 Computer Graphics
CSCI 2240 Advanced Computer Graphics
CSCI 2470 Deep Learning
CSCI 2952 Robust algorithms in Machine Learning
CSCI 1420 Machine Learning
CSCI 195lR Introduction to Robotics
CSCI 1460 Computational Linguistics
CSCI 1570 Theory of Algorithms
CSCI 1330 Computer Systems
CSCI 1380 Distributed Computer Systems
CSCI 1340 Introduction to Software Engineering
CSCI 2670 Operating Systems
CSCI 1310 Fundamentals of Computer Systems
CSCI 1290 Computational Photography
CSCI 1650 Software Security and Exploitation
Other departments:
CLPS 1291 Computational Methods for Mind, Brain, And BehaviorEEPS 1340 Machine Learning for The Earth and EnvironmentDATA 2060 Machine Learning: from Theory to Algorithms
DATA 1050 Data Engineering
NEUR 1030 Neural SystemsNEUR 1680 Computational Neuroscience
Program 分Thesis & Non-Thesis & Professional Option
MASTER OF SCIENCE-NON-THESIS OPTIONStudents take a total of eight courses to satisfy the degree requirements. Students are expected to complete the Master ofScience - Non-Thesis program option in three semesters, taking three courses in the first and second semesters, and twocourses in the third semester.
Students take a total of eight courses, including independent reading and research courses. Students are expected to completethe Master of Science - Thesis program option in four semesters, taking three courses in the first semester, two in the secondand third semesters, and one in the fourth semester. Students can switch between degree options during the program forgreater flexibility. Students interested in pursuing the Thesis option usually identify a faculty advisor during their first orsecond semester at Brown.
MASTER OF SCIENCE-PROFESSIONAL OPTIONIn addition to the course requirements, a paid or unpaid experiential learning experience of 3-6 months is a requiredcomponent of the professional track program. Experiential learning can include a summer internship or completion ofENGN 2960 (Experiential Learning in Industry (ELl)) as an elective course. Assistance in obtaining internships will beprovided by the School of Engineering and Career Services and Professional Development in the School of ProfessionalStudies.
具体研究方向分两个小方向: 固态和量子电子学(SSQE) & 计算机工程
8 semester courses;
对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(论文选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 2-2-2-2,即学生每学期学习两门课程。但是,该课程强烈建议采用 3-2-2-1 的顺序,即学生第一学期学习 3 门课程,第二学期学习 2 门课程,第三学期学习 2 门课程,第四学期学习 1 门课程。
Non-thesis: 必须完成以工程或工程科学为基础的连贯学习计划,包括八门研究生或高级课程
对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(非论文选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 3-3-2,这意味着学生第一学期修 3 门课程,第二学期修 3 门课程,第三学期修 2 门课程
Professional Option: 完成以工程或工程科学为基础的连贯学习计划,包括八门研究生或高级课程。3-6 个月的带薪或无薪体验式学习经历是专业课程的必修组成部分。对于电气和计算机工程理学硕士课程(专业选项)的学生,批准的课程顺序为 3-2-1-2,这意味着学生第一学期修 3 门课程,第二学期修 2 门,第三学期修 1 门课程(通常为 ENGN 2960),第四学期修 2 门课程
Engineering courses:
ENGN 2010 Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics I
ENGN 2020 Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Physics II
ENGN 2912B Scientific Programming in C++
ENGN 2912V Deep Learning for Scientists and Engineers
ENGN 2520 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
ENGN 2605 Image Understanding
ENGN 2560 Computer Vision
ENGN 1630 Digital Electronics Systems Design
ENGN 2912K Mixed-Signal Electronic Design
ENGN 1640 Design of Computing Systems
ENGN 2530 Digital Signal Processing
ENGN 1650 Embedded Microprocessor Design
ENGN 2590 Semiconductor Devices
ENGN 1620 Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits
ENGN 2912U Coordinated Mobile Robotics
ENGN 2790 Quantum Optics
ENGN 2150 Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization
ENGN 1220 Neuroengineering
ENGN 2501 Digital Geometry Processing
ENGN 1931Y Control Systems Engineering
ENGN 2920F Sensors and Actuators
ENGN 1570 Linear Systems
ENGN 2920H Materials and Interfaces for Energy Storage Devices
ENGN 2912P Topics in Optimization
ENGN 1930B Biomedical Optics
ENGN 1730 Lasers and Nonlinear Optics
ENGN 1932M Foundations ofInternet Communication Systems
ENGN 1590 Introduction to Semiconductor Electronics
ENGN 2912R Implantable Devices
ENGN 2625 Optical Microscopy: Fundamentals and Applications
Applied math courses:
APMA 2822B Introduction to Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous (CPU+GPU) Systems
APMA 2630 Theory of Probability I
APMA 2640 Theory of Probability II
APMMA 1690 Computational Probability and Statistics
APMA 1170 Introduction to Computational Linear Algebra
APMA 1720 Monte Carlo Simulation with Applications to Finance
APMA 2822 High-Performance Computing
APMA 1650 Statistical Inference I
APMA 1660 Statistical Inference II
APMA 1930P Mathematics and the Climate
Computer Science courses:
CSCI 2230 Computer Graphics
CSCI 2240 Advanced Computer Graphics
CSCI 2470 Deep Learning
CSCI 2952 Robust algorithms in Machine Learning
CSCI 1420 Machine Learning
CSCI 195lR Introduction to Robotics
CSCI 1460 Computational Linguistics
CSCI 1570 Theory of Algorithms
CSCI 1330 Computer Systems
CSCI 1380 Distributed Computer Systems
CSCI 1340 Introduction to Software Engineering
CSCI 2670 Operating Systems
CSCI 1310 Fundamentals of Computer Systems
CSCI 1290 Computational Photography
CSCI 1650 Software Security and Exploitation
Other departments:
CLPS 1291 Computational Methods for Mind, Brain, And BehaviorEEPS 1340 Machine Learning for The Earth and EnvironmentDATA 2060 Machine Learning: from Theory to Algorithms
DATA 1050 Data Engineering
NEUR 1030 Neural SystemsNEUR 1680 Computational Neuroscience