Master of Arts in Curating and Art History
对于未持有相关学位的申请者,可根据具体情况破格录取。他们必须提供令人满意的证据,证明其学术/专业资格被认为相当于学士学位,或在相关专业领域取得杰出成就或声誉卓著。hold a relevant bachelor’s degree awarded by a tertiary education institution recognised for this purpose by the University; or
have obtained an equivalent qualification; or
have provided satisfactory evidence of academic and professional attainment.
For those applicants who do not hold a relevant degree, they might be admitted on an exceptional and case-by-case basis. They must provide satisfactory evidence of academic/professional qualification deemed equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or having outstanding achievements or high distinction in the respective profession.
对于未持有相关学位的申请者,可根据具体情况破格录取。他们必须提供令人满意的证据,证明其学术/专业资格被认为相当于学士学位,或在相关专业领域取得杰出成就或声誉卓著。hold a relevant bachelor’s degree awarded by a tertiary education institution recognised for this purpose by the University; or
have obtained an equivalent qualification; or
have provided satisfactory evidence of academic and professional attainment.
For those applicants who do not hold a relevant degree, they might be admitted on an exceptional and case-by-case basis. They must provide satisfactory evidence of academic/professional qualification deemed equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or having outstanding achievements or high distinction in the respective profession.
MACAH 为有意深造艺术史及在博物馆、策展或艺术相关产业发展的学生及专业人士而设。透过学习艺术理论、藏品研究、策展实践、艺术项目、企业创新及专业培训,MACAH致力培育学生的多元视野,让他们投入香港、亚洲及以外地区的艺术文化发展。
1 - 艺术史批判性视角 - Critical Perspectives in Art History
2 - 出处研究 - Provenance Research
3 - 策展方法 - Approaches to Curating
4 - 中国书画鉴赏 - Connoisseurship of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
5 - 艺术藏品管理 - Managing Art Collections
6 - 博物馆学习 - Learning in Museums
7 - 数字技术与博物馆体验 - Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience
8 - 实习 - Internship
9 - 暑期班 - Summer School
10 - 策展与艺术史专题 - Special Topics in Curating and Art History
11 - 全球背景下的收藏实践: 过去与现在 - Collecting Practice in a Global Context: Past and Present
12 - 中国当代艺术 - Contemporary Chinese Art
13 - 艺术机构与视觉建构 - Art Institutions and Visual Construction
14 - 东亚艺术的文化传播 - Cultural Transmissions of East Asian Art
15 - 追求现代性-20世纪中国艺术 - In Pursuit of Modernity-20th Century Chinese Art
16 - 香港艺术与视觉文化 - Hong Kong Art and Visual Culture
17 - 保存过去: 西方的古董和收藏实践 - Preserving the Past: Antiquarianism and Collecting Practices in the West
18 - 中国艺术的跨文化接触 - Cross-Cultural Encounters in Chinese Art
19 - 中国艺术收藏 - Collecting Chinese Art
20 - 全球当代艺术: 理论与实践 - Global Contemporary Art: Theories and Practices
21 - 中国妇女、艺术与社会 - Women, Art and Society in China
22 - 创意与媒体产业: 概念与历史 - Creative and Media Industries: Concepts and Histories
23 - 艺术与科技 - Art and Technology
24 - 建筑遗产与创意产业 - Architectural Heritage and Creative Industries
25 - 东亚的创意产业和文化政策 - Creative Industries and Cultural Policies in East Asia
26 - 媒体与创意产业专题 - Special Topics in Media and Creative Industries
27 - 毕业设计 - Capstone project
2 - 出处研究 - Provenance Research
3 - 策展方法 - Approaches to Curating
4 - 中国书画鉴赏 - Connoisseurship of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
5 - 艺术藏品管理 - Managing Art Collections
6 - 博物馆学习 - Learning in Museums
7 - 数字技术与博物馆体验 - Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience
8 - 实习 - Internship
9 - 暑期班 - Summer School
10 - 策展与艺术史专题 - Special Topics in Curating and Art History
11 - 全球背景下的收藏实践: 过去与现在 - Collecting Practice in a Global Context: Past and Present
12 - 中国当代艺术 - Contemporary Chinese Art
13 - 艺术机构与视觉建构 - Art Institutions and Visual Construction
14 - 东亚艺术的文化传播 - Cultural Transmissions of East Asian Art
15 - 追求现代性-20世纪中国艺术 - In Pursuit of Modernity-20th Century Chinese Art
16 - 香港艺术与视觉文化 - Hong Kong Art and Visual Culture
17 - 保存过去: 西方的古董和收藏实践 - Preserving the Past: Antiquarianism and Collecting Practices in the West
18 - 中国艺术的跨文化接触 - Cross-Cultural Encounters in Chinese Art
19 - 中国艺术收藏 - Collecting Chinese Art
20 - 全球当代艺术: 理论与实践 - Global Contemporary Art: Theories and Practices
21 - 中国妇女、艺术与社会 - Women, Art and Society in China
22 - 创意与媒体产业: 概念与历史 - Creative and Media Industries: Concepts and Histories
23 - 艺术与科技 - Art and Technology
24 - 建筑遗产与创意产业 - Architectural Heritage and Creative Industries
25 - 东亚的创意产业和文化政策 - Creative Industries and Cultural Policies in East Asia
26 - 媒体与创意产业专题 - Special Topics in Media and Creative Industries
27 - 毕业设计 - Capstone project