Master of Law (Chinese Language)-Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law
6.00 L:5.50 R:5.50 S:5.50
根据第 10/2017 号法律(高等教育制度)第 20 条第 8 项。
- 宪法、基本法和行政法、刑法和刑事诉讼法、民法和知识产权法专业的申请人最好拥有法学学士学位。国际商法专业的申请人最好拥有法学学士学位或相关领域的学位。
- 申请时应明确说明所学专业。
- 申请人须符合澳门大学硕士学位及深造证书/文凭课程总则所规定的统一英语能力要求。
- 申请人如毕业于中国内地,并持有国家教育部认可的大学颁发的法律学士学位或相关范畴的学位,可获优先考虑。
- 择优录取,"211"、"985 "类大学毕业生优先。
- 根据《硕士学位和研究生证书/文凭课程招生简章》和《硕士学位和研究生证书/文凭课程总则》以及《法律硕士(中文)教学大纲》的有关规定。In accordance with Item 8 of Article 20 of Law no. 10/2017 (Higher Education Regime).
- Applicants in the majors of Constitutional Law, Basic Law and Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law, as well as Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law possess Bachelor degree in Law are preferable. Applicants in the major of International Business Law possess Bachelor degree in Law or a degree in a relevant area are preferable.
- The major of the study should be stated clearly in applications.
- Applicants are subject to the uniform English proficiency requirements as stipulated by the General Regulations Governing Master Degree and Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes of the University of Macau.
- Applicants graduated from Mainland China, who possess a Bachelor of Law degree or a degree in a relevant area issued by any University recognized by the Ministry of Education, are preferable.
- Admission by merit, and the graduates of Categories 211 and 985 universities will be given priority.
- In compliance with the Admission Regulations and General Regulations Governing Master Degree and Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes and the Pedagogic Regulation of Master of Law (Chinese Language)
- 宪法、基本法和行政法、刑法和刑事诉讼法、民法和知识产权法专业的申请人最好拥有法学学士学位。国际商法专业的申请人最好拥有法学学士学位或相关领域的学位。
- 申请时应明确说明所学专业。
- 申请人须符合澳门大学硕士学位及深造证书/文凭课程总则所规定的统一英语能力要求。
- 申请人如毕业于中国内地,并持有国家教育部认可的大学颁发的法律学士学位或相关范畴的学位,可获优先考虑。
- 择优录取,"211"、"985 "类大学毕业生优先。
- 根据《硕士学位和研究生证书/文凭课程招生简章》和《硕士学位和研究生证书/文凭课程总则》以及《法律硕士(中文)教学大纲》的有关规定。In accordance with Item 8 of Article 20 of Law no. 10/2017 (Higher Education Regime).
- Applicants in the majors of Constitutional Law, Basic Law and Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law, as well as Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law possess Bachelor degree in Law are preferable. Applicants in the major of International Business Law possess Bachelor degree in Law or a degree in a relevant area are preferable.
- The major of the study should be stated clearly in applications.
- Applicants are subject to the uniform English proficiency requirements as stipulated by the General Regulations Governing Master Degree and Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes of the University of Macau.
- Applicants graduated from Mainland China, who possess a Bachelor of Law degree or a degree in a relevant area issued by any University recognized by the Ministry of Education, are preferable.
- Admission by merit, and the graduates of Categories 211 and 985 universities will be given priority.
- In compliance with the Admission Regulations and General Regulations Governing Master Degree and Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes and the Pedagogic Regulation of Master of Law (Chinese Language)
1 - 财产法 - Property Law
2 - 合同法 - Contract Law
3 - 版权和工业产权法 - Copyright and Industrial Property Law
4 - 生物技术法律和政策 - Biotechnology Law and Policy
5 - 项目报告 - Project Report
6 - 法学经典 - Classics in Law
7 - 欧洲经济和贸易法 - Economic and Trade Law of Europe
8 - 世界贸易组织法 - World Trade Organization Law
9 - 海事法 - Maritime Law
10 - 特别行政区与国际公法研讨会 - Seminar of The Special Administrative Region and Public International Law
11 - 国际仲裁 - International Arbitration
12 - 民事诉讼法 - Civil Procedure Law
13 - 侵权法 - Tort Law
14 - 互联网与数据法 - Internet and Data Law
15 - 民事审判研讨会 - Seminar of Civil Adjudication
16 - 环境法 - Environmental Law
17 - 国际投资法 - International Investment Law
18 - 关于 "一带一路 "的法律问题 - Legal Issues on "Belt and Road"
19 - 香港基本法与香港法律研讨会 - Seminar of Hong Kong Basic Law and Hong Kong Law
20 - 东亚的法律体系 - Legal System of the East Asia
21 - 德国经典私法案例分析 - Case Studies for German Classic Private Law
2 - 合同法 - Contract Law
3 - 版权和工业产权法 - Copyright and Industrial Property Law
4 - 生物技术法律和政策 - Biotechnology Law and Policy
5 - 项目报告 - Project Report
6 - 法学经典 - Classics in Law
7 - 欧洲经济和贸易法 - Economic and Trade Law of Europe
8 - 世界贸易组织法 - World Trade Organization Law
9 - 海事法 - Maritime Law
10 - 特别行政区与国际公法研讨会 - Seminar of The Special Administrative Region and Public International Law
11 - 国际仲裁 - International Arbitration
12 - 民事诉讼法 - Civil Procedure Law
13 - 侵权法 - Tort Law
14 - 互联网与数据法 - Internet and Data Law
15 - 民事审判研讨会 - Seminar of Civil Adjudication
16 - 环境法 - Environmental Law
17 - 国际投资法 - International Investment Law
18 - 关于 "一带一路 "的法律问题 - Legal Issues on "Belt and Road"
19 - 香港基本法与香港法律研讨会 - Seminar of Hong Kong Basic Law and Hong Kong Law
20 - 东亚的法律体系 - Legal System of the East Asia
21 - 德国经典私法案例分析 - Case Studies for German Classic Private Law