Master of Social Work
6.50 L:5.50 R:5.50 S:5.50
申请人须持有香港大学的荣誉学士学位或类似机构的同等资格。那些拥有荣誉学位以外的资格的人,将根据他们的个人能力来考虑。申请人可能会参加资格考试以测试其学习规定课程的能力和/或面试。Applicants shall have a Bachelor degree (Hons) from HKU or an equivalent qualification from comparable institutions. Those with qualifications other than an honours degree will be considered on their individual merits. Qualifying examinations to test the applicants’ abilities to follow the prescribed courses and/or interviews may be conducted.
1 - 社会工作研究 - Social work research
2 - 社会政策和管理 - Social policy and administration
3 - 社会服务管理 - Social services management
4 - 人类行为和社会环境I - Human behavior and social environment I
5 - 人类行为和社会环境II - Human behavior and social environment II
6 - 法律、伦理和社会工作 - The Law, ethics and social work
7 - 社会工作的理论与实践--个案工作 - Theory and practice of social work – Casework
8 - 社会工作的理论与实践--小组工作 - Theory and practice of social work – Groupwork
9 - 社会工作的理论与实践--社区发展 - Theory and practice of social work – Community development
10 - 社会工作的社会科学理论 - Social science theories for social work
11 - 以情感为中心的干预:理论与实践 - Emotion-focused interventions: theory and practice
12 - 家庭社会工作 - Family social work
13 - 心理健康专题一 - 叙事疗法 - Special topics in mental health I – Narrative therapy
14 - 萨提尔模式和家庭重建 - The Satir model and family reconstruction
15 - 卫生保健环境中的干预措施 - Intervention in health care settings
16 - 认知-行为干预 - Cognitive-behavioral interventions
17 - 基于冒险的咨询:理论与实践 - Adventure-based counseling: theory and practice
18 - 社会服务机构的财务规划和管理 - Financial planning and management for social service organisations
19 - 教育环境中的咨询 - Counselling in educational setting
20 - 定性研究方法 - Qualitative research methods
21 - 社会老年学 - Social gerontology
22 - 老年人的心理健康问题 - Mental health problems in old age
23 - 实地实习一 - Field placement I
24 - 实地实习二 - Field placement II
25 - 毕业论文 - Dissertation
2 - 社会政策和管理 - Social policy and administration
3 - 社会服务管理 - Social services management
4 - 人类行为和社会环境I - Human behavior and social environment I
5 - 人类行为和社会环境II - Human behavior and social environment II
6 - 法律、伦理和社会工作 - The Law, ethics and social work
7 - 社会工作的理论与实践--个案工作 - Theory and practice of social work – Casework
8 - 社会工作的理论与实践--小组工作 - Theory and practice of social work – Groupwork
9 - 社会工作的理论与实践--社区发展 - Theory and practice of social work – Community development
10 - 社会工作的社会科学理论 - Social science theories for social work
11 - 以情感为中心的干预:理论与实践 - Emotion-focused interventions: theory and practice
12 - 家庭社会工作 - Family social work
13 - 心理健康专题一 - 叙事疗法 - Special topics in mental health I – Narrative therapy
14 - 萨提尔模式和家庭重建 - The Satir model and family reconstruction
15 - 卫生保健环境中的干预措施 - Intervention in health care settings
16 - 认知-行为干预 - Cognitive-behavioral interventions
17 - 基于冒险的咨询:理论与实践 - Adventure-based counseling: theory and practice
18 - 社会服务机构的财务规划和管理 - Financial planning and management for social service organisations
19 - 教育环境中的咨询 - Counselling in educational setting
20 - 定性研究方法 - Qualitative research methods
21 - 社会老年学 - Social gerontology
22 - 老年人的心理健康问题 - Mental health problems in old age
23 - 实地实习一 - Field placement I
24 - 实地实习二 - Field placement II
25 - 毕业论文 - Dissertation