Master of Arts in the field of Art History
7.00 L:5.50 R:5.50 S:5.50
(i) 本大学的良好学士学位;或本大学或其他类似机构为此目的接受的同等标准的资格;及
(ii) 具有良好的学士学位,主修艺术史;或具有其他学科的良好学士学位,并具有丰富的艺术相关经验
我们特别欢迎主修艺术史的大学生,以及已经在博物馆和其他艺术相关领域工作的专业人士的申请。我们也会考虑来自其他学习或工作领域的申请人,如果他们有坚实的学术基础和重要的艺术相关经验。对于所有申请者来说,高水平的英语能力是必要的。shall hold
(i) a good Bachelor’s degree of this University; or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and
(ii) a good Bachelor’s degree with a major in art history; or a good Bachelor’s degree in another subject and substantial art-related experience
We especially welcome applications from university students majoring in art history, as well as professionals already working in museum and other art-related fields. We will also consider applicants from another field of study or work if they have a strong academic foundation and significant art-related experience. For all applicants, a high level of English language ability is necessary.
(i) 本大学的良好学士学位;或本大学或其他类似机构为此目的接受的同等标准的资格;及
(ii) 具有良好的学士学位,主修艺术史;或具有其他学科的良好学士学位,并具有丰富的艺术相关经验
我们特别欢迎主修艺术史的大学生,以及已经在博物馆和其他艺术相关领域工作的专业人士的申请。我们也会考虑来自其他学习或工作领域的申请人,如果他们有坚实的学术基础和重要的艺术相关经验。对于所有申请者来说,高水平的英语能力是必要的。shall hold
(i) a good Bachelor’s degree of this University; or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or another comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and
(ii) a good Bachelor’s degree with a major in art history; or a good Bachelor’s degree in another subject and substantial art-related experience
We especially welcome applications from university students majoring in art history, as well as professionals already working in museum and other art-related fields. We will also consider applicants from another field of study or work if they have a strong academic foundation and significant art-related experience. For all applicants, a high level of English language ability is necessary.
1 - 艺术史:目标、方法和写作 - Art History: goals, methods, and writing
2 - 艺术史:材料、技术和收藏 - Art History: materials, techniques, and collections
3 - 论文写作讲习班 - Thesis writing workshop
4 - 中国艺术研讨会 - Seminar in Chinese art
5 - 18 至 20 世纪西方艺术研讨班 - Seminar in Western art, 18th to 20th Centuries
6 - 艺术史研究与写作研讨会 - Seminar in Art History research and writing
7 - 何去何从?东亚艺术史的想象地理学 - The whys of where: An East Asian art history of imaginative geographies
8 - 艺术史研究与写作研讨会 - Seminar in Art History research and writing
9 - 图像、文本和视觉性: 12至14世纪中国及其周边地区的绘画 - Image, text, and visuality: Painting in and around China during the 12th to 14th centuries
10 - 古代地中海的纪念碑绘画 - Monumental painting in the ancient Mediterranean
11 - 亚洲艺术的视角 - Perspectives in Asian art
12 - 艺术史的视角 - Perspective in art history
13 - 当代艺术的视角 - Perspectives in contemporary art
14 - 硕士论文 - MA Dissertation
2 - 艺术史:材料、技术和收藏 - Art History: materials, techniques, and collections
3 - 论文写作讲习班 - Thesis writing workshop
4 - 中国艺术研讨会 - Seminar in Chinese art
5 - 18 至 20 世纪西方艺术研讨班 - Seminar in Western art, 18th to 20th Centuries
6 - 艺术史研究与写作研讨会 - Seminar in Art History research and writing
7 - 何去何从?东亚艺术史的想象地理学 - The whys of where: An East Asian art history of imaginative geographies
8 - 艺术史研究与写作研讨会 - Seminar in Art History research and writing
9 - 图像、文本和视觉性: 12至14世纪中国及其周边地区的绘画 - Image, text, and visuality: Painting in and around China during the 12th to 14th centuries
10 - 古代地中海的纪念碑绘画 - Monumental painting in the ancient Mediterranean
11 - 亚洲艺术的视角 - Perspectives in Asian art
12 - 艺术史的视角 - Perspective in art history
13 - 当代艺术的视角 - Perspectives in contemporary art
14 - 硕士论文 - MA Dissertation